Nov 22, 2006 05:33
Dear BRUCE (Brucer, Bruciepooh, Uncle Brucie, Boobs, Brucey, Brucie Baby, Fuck Face, Brontosaurus, Burcie, Boobs-a-lot, and Zombie) :
On this, your must wonderful of days, you must sit down and remember all the good times of your life. Unfortunately, we can't think of any of these times that we spend with you. Sorry. Well maybe...that Maybe today...maybe. But its only cause we're all here (take a moment to look at all of us...Kodak Moment). All of these gifts just show how much we care about you, or rather that fact that we lead small and sad lives. Especially, Dave and Joe, they decorated the boxes. We hope that you will be able to find something to do with all these presents, feel free not to tell us what your gonna do with the contents of box number 3 (you will see, evil laugh MUAHAHAHAHA...sorry). Just to make sure that you well realize that this in fact the bestest of all the presents you should stop reading our FUCKING CARD AND OPEN THE BOXES...ASSHOLE...OK? Oh, and...Happy Birthday, from the Guyz.
The Guyz (just so you know):
I love finding stupid shit like this laying around my room. Made a great couple of days a little better.
Sing alongs make life great, btw. I suggest them. Esp. when drunk. And singing about anarchy.
You'll get a real entry one day when I'm not so damn busy.