wow. no postage since christmas

Mar 21, 2010 14:06

Wow. hahah. I haven't posted in ages.. again. haha.
I still check in on livejournal from time to time, but there is definitely a lack in posting these days. It really has settled down since the time i started up many moons ago.

So whats new? In brief?

Ivones birthday was this past friday. We had people over and it was a great time as always. Im very fortunate to know a good amount of people who are all capable of socializing with people they have never met. I suppose its a thing of age where i no longer consider them "parties" but "get togethers". Ivone is the super host and always has a spread of food put out and whips up platters of shooters for those who are interested. Needless to say, it was good times. Happy birthday again darling!

Billy talent concert last night. I almost caught this band last year at rock on the range in winnipeg, but due to arriving early, and SHITE weather conditions, we didn't make it to see them play. Hypothermia or bust! Either way. We made it out last night to see them and WOW, i loved it. Nothing fancy in terms of stage setup, but it was just a really solid, energetic and good sounding performance. I will definitely go see them again. I know billy talent isn't for everyone, but they are for me.

Final Fantasy 13 was released nearly 2 weeks ago. Needless to say, anybody that knows me knows i'm a final fantasy fanboy. So I actually had holidays the week of release and put in a lot of gaming time. Too bad the game is actually quite poor. Visually, the game is STUNNING. Seriously, square-enix really never fail to impress. But this game starts of with 25 hrs of running down a hallway, fighting an enemy, keep running, fight an enemy, cutscene. REPEAT. Now although the story is decent and cutscenes amazing.. 25 HOURS before the game opens up. I'm going to do an actual review of the game at some point. but not now. Either way, I beat it. Now just unlocking all the trophies is all there is left to do.

Finally. Alice in Wonderland.
MAN was i excited to see this movie when i saw the commercials. I love tim burton, and johnny depp usually impresses when tied in with his films. This one however.. yikes. I'm in the minority group that thinks this movie was incredibly underwhelming and dissapointing. The characters seemed flat and under-developed. Add to that the tacked on 3-d version i got to see.. no thanks. I have yet to see avatar, and probably should because i want to see how well the 3-d was executed. But in this movie, i did not love it. It felt tacked on. One thing that i noticed immediately is that when 3-d is incorporated, the pieces that are supposed to be focal points are great, but if you happen to let your eyes wander to background items slightly out of focus and the camera pans.. UGGHHH... motion blur/trailing disaster. I had to take the glasses off at least half a dozen times. I couldn't be more dissapointed in this movie but do want to see it again in Hi-def ( sans 3-d )
That said. Many people loved this movie, and you may too. Its my opinion and i wanted to voice it.

Thats it folks.
Well theres more going on in life, but i already feel ive blabbed on long enough.

Hope those out there still on the journal are doing well!

Take care everyone!

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