Live from my basment

Aug 28, 2007 17:22

So another school year is well under way and already tings are looking great!

- I'm taking 9 hours 'cause that's all I need to graduate.  Of those, 2 are totally review because they are last classes I have to take to finish my Geography (Spatial Analysis) and Sociology (Sociology of Sex Roles) majors.  The other one, Religious Perspectives on Peace and War,  seems really fun and the teacher requires a lot of participation.  Then I Gradumacate.

- A lot of people have been asking me what I'm going to do after I graduate.  To be honest, I'm not sure what's going to happen.  I'm planning on applying to about half a dozen graduate schools in Geography (University of New Mexico, Penn State, Ohio State, KU, UC Berkley, and of course Mizzou).  Hopefully I can get into one of those schools if I do well enough on my GREs, since my adviser says that my GPA (3.35) is high enough for almost anywhere.

- On a related note, I'm taking the GREs this weekend, wish me luck!

- I went to PAX this past weekend.  For those of you that don't know what PAX is, it's short for the Penny Arcade Expo in Seattle, run by the people who do the Penny Arcade comic strip (  I got about 50 free Magic: The Gathering cards, got to play some demos for some cool new games coming out in the next few months, and got to see some really interesting panel discussions.  One was about the social component of Gaming, and how gamers are being drawn through video games to interact more with other people in the digital realm as well as in real life.  Another was about the struggles of getting older, having more responsibility, and balancing that with gaming.  That one was pretty relevant to me, since if I decide to go to grad school, I will have far less time for video games than I once had.  Finally, I saw them make yesterday's comic strip live, which was awesome because they did a Q&A session along with the drawing.

- I haven't managed to find a job to fill up all my free time so far this year, so today I signed up for almost a dozen computer software training courses with the Department of Information Technology.  One thing I love about this school... all of the courses are free!  I'm going to take full advantage of the courses they offer and become an expert in Flash, Dreamweaver, and XHTML before I'm done.

- One last thing, my title is in reference to my new apartment.  I live by myself in a basement apartment on East Campus (basically the student area of town).  It's a really nice, big place, and I don't even have to hardly use the A/C at all!  So my basement is basically all of my place.
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