I Want To Be There For You... (Part 1/2) [PG]
Written by ZB24
Miyavi's thoughts are in italicized sentences...
I Want To Be There For You... (Part 1/2) [PG]
Written by ZB24
As they entered the coffee shop together, rain fell outside and taxis drove through the fresh, shallow puddles that were forming on the road. It was October 31st and the temperature was fairly cold; enough to make one sick were you not wearing a jacket.
They sat down at one of the small tables after ordering, setting their warm cups upon the table.
“I can't believe today is Halloween!” Miyavi said excitedly, looking out the wall-sized window to their right.
“Me neither. Although we never did anything special, Halloween was always a lot of fun back home. We would rent horror films and watch them together while eating candy or popcorn. My mother absolutely hated horror films, but my dad and I loved them. It's kind of sad that we won't be able to that this year, like normal.” She sighed, looking down into her mug as if she expected to see something noteworthy appear within it's dark chocolate depths.
Miyavi had turned to look at her as she was speaking, noting how forlorn she looked.
“You could still do those things anyway, right?” he suggested.
“Yeah~ I guess. It wouldn't be the same though.” She said, twisting her lip a bit and shaking her head slightly. Miyavi kept looking at her...
“Anyway!” she said sharply, changing the topic, “What are you gonna do today?”
“I was gonna drop by Yorke's and see if he wanted to paint something for the cover of my next CD.”
“Oh cool~! Speaking of which, you haven't let me preview that new track off of your album!” She whined while throwing in a fake, over-exaggerated pout at the end.
“Well~ It's not finished yet. I still have to-” Miyavi offered up an excuse.
“I don't care, Haha~ You know I always like your music, finished or not.”
“That's true~” Miyavi said, nodding a bit. It was his turn to stare into his mug
That track would be too embarrassing to show to you, because I know who it's written for...
A small silence ensued until she spoke in a fairly soft tone, “If you're that self-conscious about it, don't worry showing it to me. OK?”
He looked up at her and nodded.
“I gotta go, Miyavi. See you later?” She asked the half-question.
“Sure, of course.”
“Bye then.” She patted him on the shoulder as she walked to the exit door behind him.
“Jaa~” He threw up his hand in a weak wave.
He watched her flip up the hood of her jacket and jog across the street. It was the kind of jog that people only do in the rain, when going from one awning to the next. Where their shoulders are slightly hunched and their eyes check to see if the street is clear more times than necessary. You know how it goes...
Miyavi put his elbow on the table and rested his chin in the raised hand, watching her until she ran out of view.
Where are you going?
“Pichu pichu, chapu chapu, ran ran, blues~” Miyavi said aloud to himself, taking a sip of his coffee.
He sat there for a while, just watching the damp people in the soggy street and the rain slipping along the glass in front of him. He was thinking about various things...
I would like to make it better for you...
They'd met during Miyavi's stint as a foreign exchange student in America. They were close because they'd known each other for the past three years, but remained “just” friends. This was her first year in Japan and he knew that she missed her family greatly. Coming back to Japan was fairly easy for Miyavi; it was his homeland and his family was here. But for her, this was the first time she'd been out of the US or away from her family...
He switched to the other elbow and rested his chin on that hand.
She was alone here and had yet to make any friends (although she had many acquaintances). He realized now, although he hadn't thought about it before, that she must pin a certain degree of reliance on him.
I know! I'll do that! Hope she doesn't mind~
When the idea entered his brain, he didn't hesitate.
He had finished his coffee by this time and the rain had let up, but not completely stopped. He had three stops to make - no wait, make that four - and not much time to get them done.
His first stop was the video rental store. He had difficulty selection the movies, but ended up with Halloween, Hellraiser, The Eye, Ringu, Silence of the Lambs and Hannibal Rising. Some of the titles he'd heard her mention before or had received good reviews from critics.
His next stop was at the candy store a block away. He knew what her favorites were: Snickers, 3 Musketeers, M&M's, and [of course] Pocky. He got some Hershey's chocolate bars for himself. The clerk at the counter had given him peculiar stares as she rang up bag after bag of candy, but he just ignored her. He'd filled the plastic sack nearly to the brim...
There was only one stop left to go. The bags were bumping up against his leg as he walked, dangling from his left hand; the one with 382 tattooed on it.
Miyavi rang the doorbell once he found himself in front of Yorke's apartment.
“Miyavi~~” Yorke casually answered the door, cigarette in hand (as usual). “Whatchu' doin', man?”
“Nothing much, I need you to do something for me though.”
“Come on in. Excuse the mess. I was inspired by today's rain. You know how I get.”
Yorke owned his apartment so he felt he could do whatever he wanted with it. There was paint on the floor and paint on the walls; all different colors, arranged in a random pattern of splatters, some blotches bigger than others. Miyavi vaguely wondered whether it was the dark or light blotches that dominated...
“These are the ideas I have for my next album cover. It's just a list of keywords, see,” Miyavi handed Yorke the sheet of wrinkled yellow notebook paper, “I'm hoping you can paint something beautiful based off of it.”
“Sure~ Sure~” Yorke nodded, the ideas already rumbling around in his head, “I'd be glad to do it.”
“Great! That's perfect! I'll leave you to your work now, your rain inspired artwork...” Miyavi said, stumbling over a drop cloth, and picking up the bags he'd deposited by the door.
“What's with the bags?” Yorke asked.
“Um... It's a favor for... a friend.” He managed to mumble out.
“Ah, I see. Later then, MYV.”
“See ya', Yorke.” Miyavi walked out the door and closed it behind him. Inside, Yorke lit another cigarette...
Those were all the stops. It was 5 PM now and he just hoped she was home.
Here goes nothing...
He rung the doorbell.
* Pichu Pichu, Chapu Chapu, Ran Ran, Blues is the title of a Miyavi song.
* Halloween, Hellraiser, The Eye, Ringu, Silence of the Lambs and Hannibal Rising are all horror films that I personally recommend. XD
* Yorke is an artist and member of Miyavi's support group Kavki Boys. I don't know if he really smokes, but that's the image I had of him in my head. *shrug*
This is my first time writing a 2SHOT and also my first Miyavi fanfic. (^_^)
I had this story's draft written down for days have been dying to get it edited so you could read it. Haha~
I already have the second part written and will be posting it very soon. I won't post it AT ALL though if no one comments. So, if you want to read what happens... COMMENT. XD
The second part has been posted and can be foud here: