Title: Traveling With You
Character/Pairing: Ten/Rose
Rating: G
Summary: Ten waxes poetic about his best bird girl. Oh, you’ll see what I mean.
Disclaimer: The BBC owns the whole lot; I own nothing but student loan debt.
Thank You: Tremendous thanks to
laurelinwen for encouraging this little poem - and me - along!
A/N: This piece broke off from a narrative I started recently, becoming something else entirely. My Ten/Rose evolved into Ten/(p)Rose! I'd love to hear what you think. :)
This photograph, from
Then There's Us Challenge 66 - Photo #13, was the inspiration for this piece.
I am scattered throughout the heavens.
For 900 years, I have torn myself asunder,
casting my scraps into the wind.
In all my long lives,
whoever said I deserve to be whole?
You make me forget myself.
With each passing day,
my Magpie Girl,
you find and gather up my fragments from the sky,
tucking them into your breast,
drawing me, ever deeper, into You.
I feel lighter and more alive with every surge of wing,
but for you, it should be so heavy -
This burden of Me you take upon yourself,
so willingly.
Yet, still you fly higher, faster.
It did not take long for you to realize
the strength of your own wings.
To become addicted to the rush
of pushing off, up, away.
I have given you my secrets for flight,
but now it is you who carries me along.
I cannot pull myself from your slipstream.
I fly more swiftly in your wake.
You give me lightness and I try my best to repay you in kind.
I make you laugh
with my barrel rolls and loop de loops,
running myself into walls for your amusement.
Your dancing eyes and infectious giggle
only serve to egg me on.
You make me want to believe in my own bravado.
It is through the lifting and falling
I discover the breeze upon my face
wears the beat of your heart -
A hummingbird’s promise.