"Billy Budd" - 2

Jan 18, 2009 21:44

Teatro Carlo Felice
Dwayne CROFT, Samuel RAMEY
Regie: Willy Decker
(Foto @ Teatro Carlo Felice)

На сайте SR уже заявлено о его участии в этой опере на фестивале в Maggio Musicale; Firenze, Italy 23, 25, 27 & 29 июня,
на второе полугодие пока программы нет, но мы же можем визуализировать все, что хотим %)

Об этой мальчУковой опере я уже писала тут http://zaza-lo.livejournal.com/12689.html

В этой статье http://www.andante.com/article/article.cfm?id=14945&highlight=1&highlightterms=&lstKeywords 
2001 года пишут, про SR в роли John Claggart
"...the ever-popular Samuel Ramey making his own role debut as the Iago-like master-at-arms John Claggart, Lyric had superb casting at the top of the stagebill."

Это из анонса фестиваля
"Then there is Billy Budd, the opera by Benjamin Britten which was performed in Italy for the first time here in Florence in 1965, and has not been seen here since; this Season’s performance will see the return to the conductor’s podium of Bruno Bartoletti, one of the music world’s greatest experts on Britten, who has done much to bring the English composer’s work to a wider audience. The performance, featuring amongst others Samuel Ramey, is directed by Peter Mussbach."

а это с сайта Bavarian State Opera, которая ставит оперу
"A story that tells of militarism and a society with clear-cut class distinctions, of naïveté and justice, of homoerotic love and sadistic oppression, of responsibility and the eternal conflict between good and evil. the personifications of which are usually regarded as the good-hearted Billy Budd and the evil, sadistic master-at-arms John Claggart"

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billy budd, samuel ramey, opera, festival, dreams

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