Sharing Wallpapers

Oct 05, 2010 17:22


Hello everyone. It's been a while.
It is such a long time since my last wallies post.
I've been lazy lately. Keep on watching concerts & variety shows only.
So, this time around the wallpapers are not so great.
And most of them are old pictures. I cannot catch up with the new scans.
There are so many which making me so confused to choose which one to dwld.
Well, I'll figured out how to catch up with the new scans later on.
Here are the bigger preview:

Wallpaper 01

iza NOW! - My sister said it's not fair that sho&ohno are sharing one frame.
Haha... I love that picture and wanted to use it no matter what.

Wallpaper 02

Sakuraiba Omatsuri - I love Non-no photoshoot.
Always know what fans really want to see.

Wallpaper 03

Au Add - I love this version better than the other one which Matsujun left alone in the corner. I changed the tone color. I know. Resolution available : 1280x800 | 1024x600. I can't find a bigger version of the ori pic and I don't want to re-size it making it bigger because it will make the picture jagged. Sorry for those who have a bigger desktop resolution.

Wallpaper 04

Actually this is not supposed to be a wallpaper. It is supposed to be my LJ banner back in 2 years ago. However I try and change it into wallpaper so that I can share it with others.

Wallpaper 05

For whatever reason, I love this picture so much and the arrangement of their sitting are cute.
Look at Shomiya.

Resolution :

Download : MF

Credit : SNG, arashi_yuuki, sinomerz,

Comment is LOVE


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