Nov 19, 2009 22:34

Eh, what BIG BANG do in my LJ?

Most people doesn't know that I'm a big BIG BANG fans, quite there,
but still Arashi is the 1st for me.

I don't really know if there any BIG BANG fans among my f-list.
Just want to post this, to share with the world what I like and into right now.

As many people know, I'm quite fascinated with photoshop,
so if an artist become on my favorite list, I will turn them into wallies.

One thing I don't really like about Korean artist,
their make-up is too thick, so thick that I feel like to pull it off from their face.
It's like about 10inch of powder were put onto their face.
And another thing, their photo shoot is about the same,
usually they taking pic in the studio with the white bckground,
it's rare to see them in a natural background.
That's such a disappointment.

So I made some of their wallies and I tried my best to make them look as they are not wearing such thick make-up.
Huhu... It's quite challenging.

Click on the image to enlarge

Wallpaper 01

Wallpaper 02

Big Bang First Album Cover

Wallpaper 03

Wallpaper 04

Wallpaper 05

Wallpaper 06

Do you guys realize? That in every single picture, YoungBae/Taeyang was at the centre.
Sometimes I do feel like he is the leader instead of GD
because YB/TY really acted maturely and speaks seriously on behalf of Big Bang.
Like in Arashi, you feel like Sho-chan should be the leader instead of Ohchan,
but that's what make their group interesting. I guess so.
At first I quite surprised that G Dragon is the leader.
Then I can understand why he is the leader, since he compose and write their song,
but he is too cute to be a leader. ^__^

Huhu.. sorry for my long rambling.

Comment not necessary.


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