Apr 07, 2004 08:29
I'm short on time this morning so thoughts will go list-style
Being in the other person's shoes is an amazing lesson. I had to shake my fist at whatever fate or diety was responsible for that particular lesson. I can be even less threatened by Cammey now because I have had a brief stint in the shoes of "the girl someone's girlfriend is jealous of/threatened by" *sigh*
Gram, my dad's mother, died at 2am this morning. Nick and I drove down to see her over spring break b/c she was starting to get bad. I basically said my goodbyes then, so I'm not going downstate for the funeral this weekend. I hope my relatives understand.
I need to learn to shield my emotions. More specifiaclly, I need to shield myself from them to a small degree, and shield myself from other people's emotions to a larger one (or is it the other way? I'm not sure. It' s bloody disturbing not knowing where your emotions are coming from) Here's the catch - I want to be able to turn them on and off by conscious will, so that I can use them as a tool instead of being used or abused by them. Anyone have helpful advice on this one?
I slept poorly last night. Woke up suddenly and for a moment thought I was going to be sick. It took me a very long time to stop shaking and go back to sleep. However, I didn't wake Nick up even though I was really scared. I stayed in control. Good for me.
I still can't decide if this is everything coming together or everything falling apart. Somehow it seems like both. Maybe that's what it really is - I know better than to discount something simply because it is improbable.