Jan 22, 2008 10:49
One of the best quotes from cloverfield.
So me and Davy decides to go to a movie, we figure cloverfield sweet a godzilla ripoff at least they should be able to do better then Godzilla 2000. WRONG! haha
Words can't describle the waste of 2 hours of our lives we spent watching that. So we're thinking JJA Abrams all right should be a decent film, now I'm thinking "Is this fool smokin crack now that hes supa rich?"
Take Godzilla 2000, Staship Troopers, Resistance Fall Of Man, a bunch of other bad sci-fi thrillers, and a ton of continuity errors, put them all together, and overlay as much willing suspension of disbelief and youve got cloverfield.
If they had marketed it as a comedy then they would have sold tickets faster then scary movie 3.