Jul 10, 2006 10:47
Hey guys! My cell phone managed to get wet and the speaker doesn't work, so if you need to get a hold of me, call me and leave a message and I'll get back to you on the house phone here.
I'm not buying a new one, because I still have the one I got last summer. Hopefully it works, I don't remember if it worked or not.
So, a lot of people still owe me money and I need to get a lot of things done that I can't do until I get the money. My car's breaks need to be fixed and I need an oil change. I need to go to a chiropractor about my back, and a orthopedic doctor about my feet. And an orthodontist about my TMJ. I don't know how much of that will be covered by insurance. I need to get the money that everyone owes me. Our lease on Huntington was over on May 31, but Charlie says he can't give us our deposits back yet because he needs to chack the meters and stuff. How can he check them now if people have been in there for a month and a half? I just want my security deposit back. Don't landlords usually give those back on move out day? Does anyone know?
Everyone keeps telling me to stop being a pushover. Am I a pushover? I try to trust everyone and give them a break, but I am not a bank. I can't go loaning/giving people money that I need. Still, it seems that that is exactly what I do. I feel that if I were in a position that I owed someone a lot of money and I needed them to give me some time, I would want them to do it for me, but this is getting a bit ridiculous. I had to make a list of people who owe me and Lexi money yesterday because I was afraid I would forget one. Still, if they don't have the money, but they all promise to get it to me, what can I do?