contain your excitement, these are some highlights from the last few days:
Last night there were racoons directly underneath my dorm window, so i went down to take pictures of them:
until they turned into DEMONS!
actually, it probably isn't a good idea to start flashing bright lights at wild animals within 10 feet of you. They must be used to people though, people were leaving and entering the dorm within 5 feet and they didn't even look up. The girls on the balcony underneath me have named them Ren and Stimpy, so i hope to spread that throughout the complex.
Anyway, today my mom sent me a care package which included this:
(yes, those are condoms)
and this:
that'll be a fun poker game.
And, probably best of all, i realized during physics today that the intro page to my first chapter, i kid you not, is:
with the caption: "If the acceleration of a Podracer can reach 50 m/s^2, what are the maximum tensions in the two large cables? To find out, what quatities do you need to estimate?"
Oh yeah, this is going to be a good class.
Basically, if i had more homework (meaning something to keep me occupied), i would be happier, but i'm sure it will pick up soon.
Now, dinner with Becky and Moo and Michelle and then first day floats!