No Wallflowers Allowed

Dec 03, 2012 00:26

Teen+ for alcohol use and language
Carlton Lassiter/Shawn Spencer
Day 1 of the 25 Days of Shassie
Prompt: Mistletoe
~1100 words
Lassiter's sitting by himself at the station's Christmas party.

The Christmas party was in full swing, officers, consultants, and the partners of those filling the pub. He was well on his way to being pleasantly buzzed, and he knew most of the others were at least that far or worse. Shawn grinned as he watched them. The troubles of their everyday lives had seemed to slowly melt away in favor of friendly camaraderie. Smiles and laughs joined the chatter the way they usually didn't at the station, and he had to admit that it was nice to see everyone a little unbuttoned, relaxing and enjoying the evening.

But even as he, Gus, and Juliet led several others in recreations of the dances from A Charlie Brown Christmas, Shawn couldn't help but notice Lassiter, as always, in the corner, looking sad, miserable, alone as he threw back another scotch. Shawn knew the holiday wasn't Lassiter's favorite - he often spent it working or alone, and the only reason he was at the party was because Chief Vick had insisted he make an appearance. But Christmas was usually about families and friendships, and Lassie didn't have much of either. Shawn couldn't help but feel sorry for the guy, and that was why he ended up slipping away from the crowd of tipsy dancers to make he way over to Lassiter's solitary corner.

"Hey, buddy." Shawn jumped up into the seat across from him at his small, out-of-the-way table. "All over here by your lonesome?"

"I'd prefer it that way," Lassiter answered, his voice stiff and direct. He was obviously working hard not to let his speech slur, and that made Shawn frown. He hadn't seen Lassiter drunk often, but from his limited experience, he knew it wouldn't end well.

"Psychic vibes are telling me you don't mind the company," he said, not wanting to leave Lassiter alone. The man would work himself into a downward spiral of negativity without distraction, and Shawn didn't actually mind a break away from everyone else. "But if you really want me to, I'll leave."

Lassiter eyed him, frowning, but in the end, he was silent, only offering up a stiff nod to let Shawn know that he could stay. Shawn smiled and leaned forward on the table. "So, you're changing the charge at the seventeen-minute mark of the reenactment?"

Lassiter's eyes widened, and Shawn didn't miss the subtle play of pink in the tips of his ears. "New historical evidence suggests that the Union came up east to the bridge, not straight on. Plus, it'll give the audience a chance to see all of the soldiers in the midst of the fight."

Shawn nodded knowingly. "So you do know how to put on a show."

"It's not a show, Spencer," Lassiter growled. "It's an important historical recreation that demonstrates the use of strategy and quick thinking in a way that helped change the course of human history. And if we don't take the lessons they learned and apply them now, we're doomed in the future. Everybody knows that."

Shawn couldn't help smiling at his passion. "Almost surprised you didn't become a soldier yourself, Lassie."

Lassiter shrugged and leaned forward on his elbows, arms folded on the table. "I don't have to be overseas fighting for some nebulous idea of the American way to be in a war." His speech began go slur at the edges as his speech got faster. "Every day, I go out there and see people who've been hurt or killed by their neighbors. For money or lust or... or cruelty, I guess. For nothing. That's..." He sighed and hung his head. "There are fucked up things in the world, Spencer. No denying that. But how could I run away to look after all of that when people are dying here?"

Shawn felt something in his heart pang as pieces of Lassiter's puzzle slid into place. "Who was it that wanted you to be a soldier?"

He saw Lassiter's jaw clench as his head ducked more. Hiding away as if it would keep Shawn from knowing. Shawn extended his hand out across the table, his fingers resting gently on top of Lassiter's. "You're the hero Santa Barbara needs, but not the one it deserves, y'know?"

Lassiter laughed humorlessly, "I'm not a hero, Spencer." He pulled his hands away and pushed himself away from the table. His chair teetered precariously on two legs for a moment before slamming down. Lassiter was on his feet and weaving his way towards the door, and Shawn was on his heels, following him out into the night.

Lassiter stumbled, but Shawn was quick, catching his arm and pulling him up in the overhang of the pub entrance. Lassiter's arm went over his shoulder, instinctively steadying himself. He turned to look at Shawn, but before he could say anything, Shawn interrupted him. "You're my hero, Lassie."

Lassiter snorted, "Liar." He didn't sound as convincing as he might have before.

Shawn pushed himself up, pressing his lips against Lassiter's. Whether it was the alcohol, the relatively peaceful evening, or perhaps because he liked Shawn a little, too, Lassiter kissed him back. However, when they parted, there was an accusatory, hurt look in his eyes. "Mistletoe," Shawn explained.

Lassiter looked up and frowned. "There's no mistletoe up there, Spencer."

"Sure there is," Shawn said easily, smiling when Lassiter tried to subtly glance up again. "Invisible to those without a fifth sense."

"Sixth," Lassiter corrected, and Shawn couldn't help but notice that he still had his arm around Shawn's shoulder, leaning heavily on him. Realizing the implications of what he'd said, Lassiter's eyes went wide, and he began to stumble over his words, "Not that I think- I know that it's not- You aren't-!"

"I so totally am," Shawn said with a grin. "Which is how I know you want me to do this again."

He kissed Lassiter and could help his grin when Lassiter kissed him back. They stood together for a moment, lips locked, bodies pushed against each other. Lassiter leaned too hard, they both stumbled back, and Shawn began breathlessly laughing as he leaned on the wall for support, pulling Lassiter up and against him.

Before he knew it, Lassiter was kissing him again, and once they'd parted, equally breathless, Lassiter only said, "Mistletoe," and Shawn couldn't help his merry laugh as Lassiter grabbed his hand and led him with a wobbly step back to the party.

ship: carlton lassiter/shawn spencer, post: fic, f: psych

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