That is the sound of my head. This headache has been on and off since last night, it's not particularly painful, but it's definitely there and hurting my brain. I can't figure out why I have it. I would like it to go away.
This weekend feels like it was a series of waves. Mom and Dad are in Australia, so Tani's here to look after us... Not that we need it... But I haven't been home (much) AT ALL this weekend, so someone needed to be here to keep Steven sane. Tech went on forever on Friday and Saturday and then after it on Sunday we went back to Anna Jones' house and slept over until we had tech again on Monday. And then I finally went home. And here I am.
Somewhat momentous weekend for reasons above and not.
This probably means little to you all. The basic jist is that all weekend I've never been home between the hours of noon and 10pm, and sometimes not even then. I don't really mind it. More and more there is less and less for me at home. I just have no real motivation to be home much. Other than Steven and Mom, what exactly is there here for me except homework? (And my computer and my bed and my books and my plant...) Hum. I don't know. Maybe what I'm thinking is that a while ago not being home for so long would have felt weird or bad or wrong. And it doesn't now.
To-Do List
- Learn Spanish verbs
- Finish reading 'A Separate Peace'
- Do math hw and/or study
- Physics hw (not entirely necessary)
- Call back neighbour about babysitting
- Shower
I kinda hate how that is mostly school work. Oh well, story of my life. It's actually practically nothing to do. Most of it can be done during my free tomorrow.