So I've got 28 000 words of almost complete 1st draft - MU remix of the movie BUT only PG-13 at most! No sex, no explicit torture. Like the movie, action rather than romance. Ensemble story with key focus on Pike and Kirk. Minor UST Pike/Ayel and Spock /Uhura (but there is an NC-17 consensual epilogue Pike/Ayel.) I'm looking for alpha readers.
This is an AU parallel universe. The TOS universe is similar but not identical. The MU is Vulcan Empire and very mild by fanfic MU standards.
The MU destroy their own universe and so invade the TOS one, destroying Romulus. Nero and Spock Prime team up to go back in time to prevent it. Can they convince any of the MU humans to change sides?
I will have it ready to read by the weekend and would like it back by 17 July. I'm not looking for grammar or proof-reading but for input on what is good, boring, unclear, underdeveloped, repetitive, etc. Ideas, comments, questions...
At this point I'm likely to start fiddling with individual trees while not noticing that bits of the story are in the wrong bits of the forest altogether. So I need some outside perspective. And a bit of fresh inspiration! :)
Any offers?
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