request thread...

Nov 06, 2011 00:50

hey guys ♥
most of you write me messages or talk to me online about requests
but since I want everyone to know I do requests I decided to do this request thread (:
You don't have to know me to ask for art ;)

click on my TAG to see my work

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!requests, ©maker:christinaa88

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Comments 89

jussy_baby November 6 2011, 00:04:12 UTC
Requests FTW! \o/

Würdest du mir nen neuen Header für mein Journal machen?
- Größe: 767 x (ca.) 250px
- Text: Muss nicht unbedingt drauf, weil mir grad keiner einfällt, sollte dir aber was Schönes einfallen, nur zu. ;)
- Farbe(n): egal, Hauptsache schön bunt (der pink/lila-Touch in meinem (deinem) Icon ist schön
- Bilder: Bradley James/Arthur Pendragon (aber bitte keins in Rüstung oder Bart) und/oder ein schönes Arthur/Gwen-Bild

Und wenn noch ein f/o-Banner drin wäre, passend zum Header, wär das soooo toll. ♥
- Größe: 400x225px
- Text: "knights only"



christinaa88 November 6 2011, 02:03:23 UTC
das is mal nur ein schneller... icon matching... first try ^^
aber ich kenn dich ja also zeig ich dir mal was ich jetzt auf die schnelle gemacht hab:
fo banner:


jussy_baby November 6 2011, 02:22:14 UTC
NEHM ICH ALLES!!!!! Mein Gott, die die Bilder toll. Du hast mal wieder voll meinen Geschmack getroffen und du weißt ja, ich bin eigentlich immer mit deinen Erstentwürfen wunschlos glücklich - wie auch dieses Mal wieder. Ich dank dir echt so sehr von ganzen Herzen. Werd ich später gleich einbauen. Ich freu mich schon. :)

Und nun geh ins Bett, ist schon spät bzw. früh. ;-)


christinaa88 November 6 2011, 02:25:22 UTC
ich dacht mir grad... wieso bistn du noch wach XD
na freut mich dass es dir mal wieder gefällt ♥
ich dacht es wär ganz nett zum default icon passend :D


mssekishi November 6 2011, 03:46:30 UTC
Hi bb If you remember me from my comment yesterday. Haha.

Other than Merlin (Arthur/Merlin), i'm a hardcore fan of Harry Potter (especially Harry/Draco) and i would love to see icons on them since there aren't many pretty Harry/Draco icons out there. :D

Btw i forgot to say this: I love your colouring and usage of textures! ^^


christinaa88 November 6 2011, 10:57:10 UTC
so there I have my claim for the next 20in20 I make :D


mssekishi November 6 2011, 11:16:25 UTC
<3 Shall be watching closely then! :D


christinaa88 November 6 2011, 14:33:43 UTC
just claimed it ♥


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Re: i love youuuuuuuuuuuuu christinaa88 December 27 2011, 22:43:06 UTC
here is what I came up with.. hope you like it.
i you want more just let me know :D

... )


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Re: i love youuuuuuuuuuuuu christinaa88 December 28 2011, 09:26:21 UTC
I am glad you like them ♥
I have 2 more requests here and then I will do yours.
and no, I don't watch VD but I think sometime I will because I find the people so good to do arts with ^^
after I saw what a hype twilight became I kind of stopped liking vampires -.-


christinaa88 December 8 2011, 00:12:53 UTC
I totally will do this but it could take a little ;)


christinaa88 December 27 2011, 23:31:35 UTC
these were lovely caps to work with :D
let me know if you want any more ;)

... )


navi_glow December 29 2011, 18:57:53 UTC
Amazing! I love every one of these! Thank you sooooo much <3 <3 <3


caitriona_3 December 8 2011, 00:15:36 UTC
You have some beautiful icons! I'm so glad you do are still doing them? If so, would you consider doing me something that shows:

LotR - Faramir OR Eomer - I like them looking either dreamy or tough

Glee - Quinn & Rachel as friends; Puck/Rachel; Mike/Tina; Artie/Brittany

CSI:Miami - Horatio/Calleigh

Thank you so!!


christinaa88 December 8 2011, 00:17:20 UTC
yes. I am still doing requests.. I am just a little behind ^^
so if you don't mind waiting I will def. do them for you ♥


christinaa88 January 22 2012, 13:34:29 UTC
the first part of your icons (still workin on the others but glee is so hard because I don't have any pics ^^)
sorry for taking so long but my challenge communities keep me busy...very XD

... )


caitriona_3 January 23 2012, 13:56:55 UTC
These are wonderful!! Thank you so much!!


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