I find myself unexpectedly idle for an hour. No one is at te POOKa despite promises of a 9.30 start. I didn't go fort building with the Clan Ranald gentlemen today as I originally planned as they couldn't get me back in Edinburgh in time for the te POOKa gig i'm doing tonight.
So here I am putting off doing any of the millions of things I've got to do. I could fill out my tax return but no, i'm doing that tomorrow, so idleness.
The graphics card on my computer is bust so I'm only getting the basic colours and icons. Reminds me a great deal of my Dads old 486.
Looking forward to the Dawn Duellists AGM and weekend of workshops. I've got some folk from Aberdeen staying with me which will turn out to my advantage as they have vehicular transport thus hopefully getting me to the 8.30am starting workshops at a reasonable hour.
The fucking fannies at Armour Class who are rehilting a longsword for me and promised it finshed over a month ago haven't got the sword back to me yet. This is most upseting as I shall not have a longsword to play with this weekend. I've promised myself that next time I deal with them I shall insist on paying a deposit upfront and the rest when they get their lazy asses into gear and deliver up when they promised.
sylphigirl I won't be able to go to your birthday shananigans or Arran and Lucy's engagement party as it conflicts with the Samhuin winter court weekend away and I really have to go to that or devil stick Andy might be lonely as quite a lot of other people aren't going :(