kind of long... sorry : P

Jun 14, 2005 23:03

i hate it when everyone else is depressed. it's making me all moody. [that plus PMS.... haha, hmmm... but still]

yay, so becca just called me, and we're going to lunch tomorrow and 'catching up.' i miss her. she's good to vent to.

brad's really busy lately, and so i'm not gonna get to see/talk to him much the rest of the week. that sucks. ya know what's kind of lame...? i haven't gone a day without seeing him for about.... 2 weeks? something like that. yeah, that's sad. i've been taking alot of crap for it from everybody too. haha.

had to get up at 6:30 this morning, and help my mom take props down to merideth. it's a big deal because it was a shoot with better homes and gardens [i dunno, what you guys know about it, but it's a big magazine i guess...?] yeah. then i babysat, and she paid me for the end of the year. which was $112. sweeeet.

[i have to work at 6 friday morning!! : ( *blahh*]

then went to barnes and noble. i fell in love with this book of photos, but it didn't have a price on it, although i'm sure it was like $40....

i babysit sooo much next week. every day for 3 hours, and then like 12 hours on tuesday. talk about dough. but thursday i've got senior pictures. ahhhh....

anybody have good father's day ideas....? i've got nothin. he doesn't golf or like cars or do anything like that. he likes disc golf and volley ball, and comic books... haha. anything??

work at 5 today and tomorrow. *sigh*

"We have two kinds of fears. One is a fear that whatever is going on is going to go on forever. It’s just not true -- nothing goes on forever. The other is the fear that, even if it doesn’t go on forever, the pain of whatever is happening will be so terrible we won’t be able to stand it. There is a gut level of truth about this fear. It would be ridiculous to pretend that in our lives, in these physical bodies, which can hurt very much, and in relationships that can hurt very much, there aren’t some very, very painful times. Even so, I think we underestimate ourselves. Terrible as times may be, I believe we can stand them.

"Because we become frightened as soon as a difficult mind state blows into the mind, we start to fight with it. We try to change it, or we try to get rid of it. The frenzy of the struggle makes the mind state even more unpleasant.

"The familiar image is a children’s cartoon character, like Daffy Duck, walking along freely and suddenly stepping into taffy. In a hasty, awkward attempt to extricate himself, he might fall forward and backward and eventually be totally stuck in the taffy. Even children see a better solution.

"The best solution would be the nonalarmed recognition, ‘This is taffy. I didn’t see it as I stepped into it, but I felt it after I got stuck. It’s just taffy. The whole world is not made out of taffy. What would be a wise thing for me to do now?'"
(from It's Easier Than You Think: The Buddhist Way to Happiness, by Sylvia Boorstein, page 71. Published by Harper San Francisco)
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