Skeletor up in this motherfucker!

Feb 24, 2008 13:52

So I've been sick the past couple, astronomically sick. It started probably Wednesday night when I went to work and felt my joints stiffen and get sore, though I just chalked it up to the cold. It didn't get better by Thursday (which I just chalked up to staying up all night after work and spending 11 hours in bed before going to work again.) Friday night, I became convinced it was a full on flu. Migraine, achy muscles and joints, fever, dizziness...just no congestion (yet.) I tried to get people to cover my shift either that night or Saturday, but nothing doing and after I got off at 2, I came home to sleep to go back to work at noon on Saturday. Trudging through that, I come home and spend up until 12:30 in bed groveling with whatever god will listen for my life.

I love my mom. One call and she brought me Gatorade (I've been throwing up), 7-Up and a bit of milk so that I could down some cereal. After eating something simple like that, I feel much better (though my face is still hot and my head still hurts.)

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