Just when I thought there wasn't much for the PS3 to look forward to beyond Heavy Rain and The Last Guardian, here comes one of my new favorite series for it! Ar Tonelico III!!! As some of you may know, I highly enjoyed the second game, despite the horrible translation job NISA did on it (see my review for more of my gushing and ranting). I liked the first one, but I played it after the second one, so I still have more of a soft spot for the second game. Ar Tonelico III is to be a PS3 exclusive and comes out in Japan in January. If NISA does bring this here, I hope they take their time and iron out any mistakes that brought Ar Tonelico II down at times. This new game has the usual main character and two reyvatails, but I wouldn't be surprised if a third girl shows up as a choice as usual. From what I've heard, you are supposed to be able to customize songs and change the bgm in real time, but maybe I read it wrong, but I am defintely stoked for this!
http://www.1up.com/do/newsStory?cId=3176469 Scans found here along with some extra info:
http://www.siliconera.com/2009/10/13/re ... announced/