Hey you! And look, I just used the pair to your icon in my reply above!
It has been an age… I'm still embroiled in RR though I should be free and clear in a month or so. It has been rather stressful so it'll be nice to be a free agent again! I'm feeling pretty positive about S8 spoilers and hoping to feel invested in and inspired by the show again! Here's hoping!
I know you've been very busy over there - I am looking forward to getting my teeth into RR when it is all finished - the snippets I've seen look promising.
I've been busy doing arty stuff and writing my first BB which is going to be interesting - never been on the other side waiting to see what an artist does with my words!
I think you'll enjoy it since you're a person who appreciates a good, long, meaty fic. (Wow that actually sounds a little rude!). And you're writing? Wow! Is that something for the D/C BB then? I'm so out of touch it's scary...
I was going to go for the mini Bang but my fic got longer and longer...it's for the spn_gen BB and I am dreading writing the summary as it sounds so ridiculous. I wouldn't worry about being out of touch, you can easily slip back into the flow!
Loved this snippet of passion!
It has been an age… I'm still embroiled in RR though I should be free and clear in a month or so. It has been rather stressful so it'll be nice to be a free agent again! I'm feeling pretty positive about S8 spoilers and hoping to feel invested in and inspired by the show again! Here's hoping!
I've been busy doing arty stuff and writing my first BB which is going to be interesting - never been on the other side waiting to see what an artist does with my words!
I wouldn't worry about being out of touch, you can easily slip back into the flow!
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