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Comments 20

nong_pradu March 22 2010, 23:17:51 UTC
I still think it's Missy! I think Dean's confusing her for Lilith, thinking young crazy girl = Lilith. But her saying she searched for him for years, and that she's going to get her chance to take from him like "he" did -- that's Lee she's talking about, isn't it?! (Don't answer, I'll find out soon enough!).

And it wasn't Lilith's white light, either. It was Missy running over him with some kind of vehicle. Sadistic little bitch! (Not that that's any surprise).

Dean's forgetting that she named him after Gabriel (though I suppose he wasn't really conscious when she came up with the plan for naming him Gabriel in the first place). On that note, I wonder what she'd think of the real Gabriel. He looks nothin' like our Dean. Mmmmm.... Pretty Dean.


zatnikatel March 22 2010, 23:36:20 UTC
I’m saying nothing. But I will say this. Heavenly Desire doesn’t have a car… :-O

Oh, pretty Dean… must dig out my DVDs now I have NOTHING TO DO.


marlowe78 March 23 2010, 11:36:48 UTC
Oh boy... I don't know about those hex-bags, I'll let you surprise me. But I'm nearly certain now that it's Missy. "Little angel mine"? Yeah. And that line with "you didn't want then and he took it anyway" - yupp. But of course Dean would mix it up in his brain, not only because of the concussion. Mean, to have a 'friend' called "Al".

and he turns his face to the side and stares into the dark while she works on him, and he accepts Jesus Christ as his savior in his head, again and again, but he isn’t redeemed.Oh boy... Poor, poor broken soul ( ... )


zatnikatel March 23 2010, 14:03:31 UTC
You know I think you're the only person who has figured out that Ruby ran Dean over! I wanted to be subtle but I didn't think I was being that subtle! ;-)

God, I love Cas-Dean though I must confess I'm not all the big on Cas/Dean... I really wish more writers would focus on this as a way more profound connection than sex [not that sex isn't profound!]. I just think it's *purer* than that - does that make sense? And I think it's so noble - this deep, platonic devotion... like the Knights of the Round Table almost. I've really tried to go that route in this story: as much as it is Sam's road to his choice of Ruby, and Nurse Cindy and Lucifer Rising, I also wanted it to be Castiel's road to choosing Dean and dying for him. I do believe there is love there... and I do firmly believe he was out of the loop.

Thanks for catching that typo! God, how many times have I read this and they always sneak through! But gray is how we Yanks spell it! ;-)


winchester66 March 24 2010, 17:59:32 UTC
Outside of the wonderful imagery and metaphors I so love how you use this chapter to advance the plot and set things up for the next half of this story. I don't think I have ever read stories more skillfully plotted than yours and the way you weave in canon - the dreamwalking - is so clever, and makes me think of that fantastic use of the wendigo and Dean's ring in Killing Moon. It is so believable that Dean would think this is Lilith and that the others would assume that she has him too.

Having read through to the end of this I really don't think enough can be said about your ability to plan and plot, Zat - it's extraordinary and I wanted to just mention it directly, since none of the comments have so far...


zatnikatel March 25 2010, 01:58:28 UTC
Oh that’s so sweet! Thanks so much. I do go to a great deal of effort and care to try to ensure any plotholes are filled and that the plots are interesting with lots of twists and turns… I’m most proud of TKM for that, actually. It does probably make the process of writing much harder than it has to be though, and when I’ve finished each of these long stories I have been totally worn out…


alexandra_08 April 3 2010, 03:31:58 UTC
I believe this is what your brother would refer to as a snafu
Heh. I like Castiel picking up Dean’s expressions.

I didn’t catch Ruby hitting Dean… Though, if it had been Missy and Co., why would she have left him in the ditch? But since it’s through Dean’s POV, who knows what’s really going on or what the timeframe is. Really, the Bobby line tells it out, doesn’t it? And I should know better than to dismiss a line like that, because a writer doesn’t usually throw in innocuous remarks. But I can’t seem to learn.

That last paragraph. I can’t find the right word for it. I love the imagery. And the last line nearly makes me cry. A wonderful little piece.


zatnikatel April 3 2010, 05:06:14 UTC
You know so few people twigged that it was Ruby and I’m amazed because I thought that line would be a total giveaway! Dontcha just love finding more reasons to hate Ruby?!

It’s funny but when I was writing this we hadn’t yet seen Castiel using Dean’s colloquialisms, so it was nice to see that happening onscreen too…


cerridwen7 April 3 2010, 23:59:48 UTC
"the room is a garbage dump of discarded takeout boxes, coffee cups with cigarette butts floating in brackish dregs, half-eaten donuts"
You forgot the styrofoam cups full of chew-spit.


zatnikatel April 4 2010, 03:34:06 UTC
God, how could I have forgotten Styrofoam! *Facepalm*. I might actually edit that in there you know. >:)

Chew-spit… I’m almost afraid to ask but is that *solid*? :-O And does it involve hoiking?

God it just occurred to me I never used hoik in TKM or this story. But I have another comment fic on ice and will use it there. And chew-spit if your eagerly awaited definition fits…


cerridwen7 April 4 2010, 15:19:02 UTC
Chew spit is tobacco juice...if you're chewing indoors, you can't just spit on the floor, so you spit in a cup. I've known some guys who were infamous for leaving full cups of chew spit sitting in places where they were certain to be knocked over.
So chew spit is just saliva with tobacco juice in it. No hoiking or solids involved.


zatnikatel April 5 2010, 00:16:51 UTC
And yet still disgusting.


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