Four Internet Words I Hate

Mar 19, 2008 10:43


Work, Everquest 2, Work, Sleep. I have a boyfriend. I have a girlfriend. I can still sleep around. They've done each other, though not so much anymore. Should really talk more about that. But not right now. Good and bad there. Went to Vegas. Ka was awesome. Amazing Jonathan was awesome. Everything else sucked. Still have a lot of taxes over my head.

I Miss:

Beth, Jenny, Miranda, Dave, Jim, other Furries. Miss you all. Must see again soon. I want to get in better shape. Hate being overweight. I'm never around enough. Must change that. Keep trying, keep... not so much with the doing. Life's too busy. Jade, you should call me sometime. Sharon... come back and play. Kat... Sadi misses you.

Four Internet Words I Hate


What the fucking fuck? It's an online diary. In the 80's, teenaged girls wrote their post-riding-lesson horse-related masturbation fantasies in little books and shoved them under their beds between the mattresses. Now they admit to it online while looking for emo girlfriends. It's not a sphere, it's not a blog, and it's not a web log. It's a fucking diary. Get over yourself. The fact that people now use online media to post their deepest secrets and piss off all their friends in the Vampire LARP doesn't make it a fucking revolution. And you, Nancy Boy there... It doesn't make you cooler than you mom. She fisted a girl once at Woodstock in the 60's. You write a journal. You're made of epic phail, and no amount of upselling the Internet Revolution is going to change that.

Also, CNN, you can't make a blog. You can call it a blog, but it's still a fucking ARTICLE.

Web 2.0:

Making an AJAX-based game, Twitter, and extra linking features on YouTube does not a Web 2.0 make. The Internet is still what it always was.... selling shit, talking shit, and masturbation. You know what Web 2.0 is? It's the adoption of the IPv6 protocol. Fucktards.


You're not part of them. And if you are, why the hell did you let such a stupid-ass name get applied to you? Once again, people delude themselves into thinking that just because it's Internet that it's somehow better than all the other people in the world doing that same damn thing.


When my iPod can broadcast in FM, it's a fucking Podcast. Everything else is an MP3 file. Nothing is coming out of my iPod. Nothing is being BROADCAST. It's being downloaded. Deal. Come up with a word that actually describes what you're doing, and I'm on board.


Also, here's some tentacles....

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