Oct 30, 2007 19:39
Hi, I realize that you don't know me.
My name is Laura Carolina born and raised in Miami Beach, Florida, USA. I have a Colombian background with all the perks. The food, the addictions (not only my own) and abuse. Repression, depression and shame. Unconventional spirit. Confinement. Cheated rebirth. Relapse. Love. Somewhere along the way there was bisexuality, the dark streets and the dark secrets. I live in an apartment with my significant other and my pets. I have many. Pets, that is. I don't do much. Maybe I do too much of smoking and thinking about naked girls. Maybe. I love my Purrness for he is my strength, my good, my love(r). I am so serial. And I play with the ferrets. Oh and Monty the dog. Not the veiled chameleon, she's vicious. And staring at the fish tank is amazing. It substitutes no cable and down free wi-fi. My smoking habit needs to die. I am trying to kill the cancer sticks before they kill me. My pockets are mainly empty, I can deal with that. Because I have him, and them, and everyone. Because I have this and that and everything. My wretched self is somehow blessed. Don't think I am not thankful because I am. Just in a quiet way. Very much like my demeanor; shy. I want to rise from this rut. I want to kick happily in the air but not with my head far beneath the dirt. Tomorrow may be a new beginning.
Okay, you put up with the bullshit (or not) but listen now (or don't):
I sent out my resume early this morning for a Vet receptionist. Experienced preferred. I thought nothing of it to be honest because I had done this before, applied to a Vet's clinic, with no response. Ever. I receive a phone call half an hour later. He's asking for me and I'm prepared. Something just kicked in. I carried the conversation along. He asks me to come in. Half an hour later, I'm there. I was very nervous but the time constraint (oh of all days I had things to do!) I needed to go ASAP. I arrive and he's with a client. Not even a minute there and he says to me, "I am glad you're here. I can use some help." I was ready. I felt confident. He took me to the back and explained to me the task at hand. Wait, what? We're going to euthanize the dog. Immediate disconnection and action. But, I did it. It was painful. It was just...but I can do it again, if I have to. He spent an hour with me. Then he says, "I am 95% sure you're hired but.." Oh god, what the fuck is the but.."but I need to interview one more person. I will call you later." Okay. And he called me an hour or so after. I am a full time employee again. And I get to work with animals. I AM SO EXCITED. Clears throat. This may be a new beginning. Of something.
There's plans for 2008, but I am afraid to say it out loud.