My Final lj Entry

Apr 17, 2010 17:04

Hello friends and supporters,

So this is probably going to be my final liverjournal post ever. Its been a great ride and I have recieved so much in my life from being here at livejournal. I basically started my writing career here, which spawned PCA. I've met friends, fallen in love (and hated myself for doing it), made some fantastic contacts and am glad to have met so many of you. Most of the people I've met here are in my life on other souces now, so livejournal has become redundant.

So why have I decided to "call it a day"? Mainly its due to the launching of the NEW PCA. If you haven't seen it it is at

Basically we are now attempting to play with the big boys by offering daily bits of pop culture goodness along with the larger articles I've been writing for years. We have a number of different weekly/bi-weekly/monthly features that are getting lots of attention. The support and feedback has been pheomenal and I am enterting the next stage of my career as a writer. However, while producing daily material is a blast, it is daunting and will be replacing this forum entirely.

Some of the features we have is:

"PCA Commentary" where I give my opinons on current pop culture stories/events.

"PCA Review" where I review DVDs, CDs and TV shows (new movies are left to Candace in her review section)

"PCA Spotlight: Where I write a short write up on people currently crossing my radar.

"Hey Kids! Comics!" our regular Saturday feature where I give my weekly comic picks from my personal pull list.

"PCA Web Watch" where I promote decent pop culture web-sites

"Retro-Review" which is our Sunday feature where I review a film from the past (this feature was inspired dfordoom's excellent daily movie reveiws. The feature is unofficially dedicated to him)

"From the Archive" which is our Monday feature, where I represent on of our former articles.

And all our new articles get featured every Thursday at 5 pm. The goal is to have one brand new large article a week. We have April and half of May prepared. Hopefully I can keep up the momentum.

We have interveiws coming up with David Faustino (Bud Bundy from Dark Shadows), Tyler Mane (Michael Myers from Rob Zombie's Halloween), Catherine Leigh Scott (Maggie Evans from Dark Shadows), William Schallert (Legendary Hollywood character actor, remembered best as Patty Duke's father on "The Patty Duke Show"), Brett Halsey (50's beefcake actor from Coramn films, AIP films and sequels like Son of the Fly, Revenge of the Creature From the Black Lagoon, Return to Peyton Place, Godfather III ect) and Emma Caulfield (Anya on Buffy the Vampire Slayer).

We are connected to facebook and twitter and you can subscribe to a feed. I hope that you'll stay in touch with me and visit the site for the continuation of things to come.

However, I STILL read lj every day and will still be lurking around. I'll be visiting the ocmmunities that I have, and will still be interested in your lives.

Please visit and get in touch.

All my best to all of you, and thank you for all your support over the years.

Sam Tweedle
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