Dec 09, 2009 16:15
Last night, so that my mother could have a Christmas party with her strange old friends, she recruited me to get my father out of the house for the evening. In one way it was a good thing, because this is the first Christmas in years that Mom could have a Christmas party because my father seems to have finally kicked his illness after two years. However, although I have a better relationship with my father then I have ever had in my life, be it that we are such different people and have little to talk about I didn't quite know what to do with him.
I began by bringing Dad down to the Oldestone for dinner. He had never been there before and I could tell he was impressed becazuse he asked me a number of times throughout the evening what the name of the restaurant was in an attempt to remember it for the future. This could be the first time I've ever impressed him with my taste in places to go.
Afterwards we went to my place and I put on a John Wayne movie. I don't think Dad liked it that much because I'm not convinced he was able to really follow what was going on. Besides that, it really wasn't that good of a movie. However he sat through the whole thing without saying a word for lack of anything else to do.
When we got to my home Fred, as usual, was excited to see that we had company. Fred loves new people, but Dad is not a big fan of cats...or dogs for that matter. Its not that he doesn't like them as much as he just doesn't "get" that they might want attention. Fred jumped on the couch and looked at Dad, who just ignored him. Then he started nudging at Dad's hand with his head in an attempt to say "pet me." My Dad continued to just ignore Fred and watch the movie. Then, in an attempt to really get my Dad's attention, Fred started to chew on my Dad's glases that were hanging off of the collar of his shirt (a strange habit my Dad has). Finally my Dad paid attention to the cat by grunting "stop that." I pulled Fred away from bothering my Dad, but he jumped back up on the couch and spent the rest of the night sitting next to Dad pouting, looking over at him in a confused way that seemed to say "what the fuck is your problem pal?" Poor cat. Him and Dad just werent meant to be.