Feb 20, 2009 06:37
Just a...relatively.. quick note here for anyone who was interested in how I'm faring on my story-writing.
It's been slow going, as I keep getting distracted by general life stuffs, but I'm getting back into it. Though lately it seems to be harder to write than it was when I first started. I'm finding myself wishing I knew what the general writing experience for others is when they write a piece of fiction.
I feel like I'm jumping all over the place writing random scenes that don't seem to connect with one another. I've made progress, but it seems to be too slow. I've only recently reached the 5,000 word mark after starting this a little over 2 months ago.
I know, I know. By now I should have a lot more if I'd been writing regularily.
Writing when the mood strikes is what I'm doing now.. I'd like to be more consistent, but that's just one thing I've never been! What keeps y'all motivated in a story anyway? For myself, so far its been that whomever I've shown it to have all liked what I have and encouraged me, and that I have always wanted to write a story to completion. I just hope this one sparks enough inspiration to see me through to the end.
I will say now that I doubt the story will ever see a publisher if I get 'er done. I just don't have that much talent! ;P