Jul 26, 2008 22:03
-where do you see yourself fitting in to the world 10 years from now?
I honestly can't say I have anything I really see myself doing in 10 years, I'm not really one for far-reaching goals like that. I think life throws a lot of things in your way and sometimes its just better to take it a year at a time, which is how I prefer to do it anyway. Regardless, I do have some shorter-term goals, if one could call them that.
I'd like to have my own apartment, either living alone or with a partner if I have one. I'd like to have a well-paying job working for a magazine, as a magazine page layout and design artist. I'm trying to work towards this now, looking for internships and/or minor jobs related to work in that capacity. And if that doesn't work out, I wouldn't mind working as a book cover designer, or doing something rather bookish, hehe. I love books, so anything work-related with books would likely make me happy, if I couldn't work on magazines.
I also want to do some heavy duty traveling. I want to go everywhere, I'm very attracted to beautiful places, and especially places that are steeped in ancient history; such as Egypt, Ireland, England, France, Italy, etc. A lot of people say that doing this sort of traveling is unsafe for a woman to do alone, but thats how I want to do it. Alone. With no agenda but my own.
I have people who worry about me too much. Family and friends and I feel like they'd rather they always know where I am, and that I'm safe, like 200% safe, and no harm can come to me. I'd like to be independent enough that people will stop worrying about me so much. That's probably another one of my more major goals, lol. I just recently moved out of my parent's home for those who don't know yet. So, trying to get them to quit worrying about me being on my own is ..not going to be easy. They're huge with the worrying. X)
So, those would be my goals for the time being. The things I'd like to achieve within the next 5 years, if not sooner. Sooner would be better, but sometimes I expect too much from myself and it never happens.
-what do you want in life, more than anything else? what do you think of, when you think of PASSION?
Passion. I guess that's the one thing I haven't really found out about myself yet. What I'm most passionate about. I can list a bunch of things I like to do, but none that I can think of get me all excited and happy everytime. So I guess I'll just list the things I highly enjoy doing.
- Art
- Reading
- Sleeping
- Traveling
- Magick
- Shamanism
- Listening to music
- Biking
Out of all of those I'd probably have to say I'm probably most happy when I'm traveling. But it also seems to be the hardest one to do. I would also say being able to dabble in the occult and doing art, would be secondary to that. I try to be able to go somewhere new every year, and sometimes its not possible. But so far I have visited: Jamaica, England, France, Italy, parts of the US (California, New York, Maine, Pennysylvania, Oregon, Michigan, Washington, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Vermont, and New Hampshire; although I only passed through some of these states rather than actually spending a lot of time exploring), and all the provinces of Canada with the exception of Newfoundland and the Territories.
Well that extensive list was just in case anyone was interested.. I'm willing to give more details if anyone asks of course. ^_^
-guilty pleasure?
Uh... not sure? Honestly!
I'd probably say reading fantasy? or uh.. maybe my midnight walks? Where I slip out of the house at like 2-3 am in the morning and walk around town because its the most peaceful time of the day. Or is when you're living in a not-so-big-city. When I was living in Oshawa, it was really safe at that time of night, and I haven't felt that safe doing that here in Calgary, if I did I wouldn't be without something I'd use as a weapon. I have also done this in Toronto, though it was with other people.
Though I'm not sure that would constitute as a guilty pleasure, heh.
The only other one I can think of is anime... I love anime...
I'm sure this makes me sound pretty boring, now. heh