Obama's VP Pick and another McCain tidbit

Aug 23, 2008 17:51

So Barry picked his his Vice President: Senator Joe Biden.

I didn't really know how to react to this considering Biden's plagiarist background and offensive past comments toward Obama at the beginning of the campaign. I'm sure Obama could've done better.

Oh well, I'm still voting for Obama and it can't be worse than John McCain.

McCain is under fire for his answer in a recent politico interview that asked how many houses he owns. He said he didn't know. I can tell you how many I own: zero.

But, the point here is that it shouldn't really matter to us how many homes he owns. The real truth is that most of us would like to be as rich as him and not remember how many homes we have either. And if we asked a celebrity how many homes they owned, they probably wouldn't remember and we'd have a good laugh.

Unfortunately for McCain(and fortunate for the Dems) is that he is in a Presidential race and while trying to paint the picture that Obama is out of touch with economic issues, McCain just painted it for himself. He should've dismissed the question as irrelevant and moved on. But no, McCain doesn't normally side step a question (a la Viagra vs. Birth control covered by Health insurance question) and answered with a resounding "I don't know". His managers backstage were probably cringing.

How does this comment hurt him? Nationwide the foreclosure crisis has hit a lot of folks hard and many hard working (and no so hard working) people are losing their homes. Whether it's losing a job, to having an adjustable rate mortgage, or to not asking questions on whether their loan was legit, the reasons are many for the foreclosure mess. Blame is spread around, but the fact is that a lot of people are losing homes. The last thing they want to hear is that a presidential candidate doesn't know how many he has. http://www.toledoblade.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080823/NEWS09/808230368. Like this single mom in Toledo, Ohio with a $500 mortgage payment who has been in her home for 17 years.

I had the chance to see McCain speak here in San Jose at the Silicon Valley Leadership Group's annual luncheon, but even then he still seemed out of touch with the people whose votes he'd be trying to win.
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