(no subject)

Feb 17, 2013 10:15

yesterday, my father and i thought it would be a good idea to head to a local gun show. we chose that over the planned SEWE due to weather and the lack of things that interest us this year. besides, my father was hoping to find some ammo for his hunting rifle as stores are wiped clean O.-.O

well, no need to really say how that went cause the show made front page in our local paper!
well, i will put in my personal experience.. we got stuck in line with the vehicles before we even made it to the fairgrounds (and theyre not small either). after sitting in line for what felt like forever, and watching people get cars unstuck from the mudholes of the grass parkinglot, we finally got in and parked. just to walk over a few feet to stand in the long line to get in.

to explain things better. the parking lot is outside the large iron gates of the grounds. and the building is inside the gates, down around a corner. and at that building is where you pay to enter. so. yeah, thats a long ass line! too bad i cant find a map to share.
inside was a mob. the tables all set out in a good plan, but made for a much smaller crowd. the aisles between tables usually would just have two people abreast, a person browsing each side.. here? packed like sardines 3 maybe 4 abreast just trying to move from one location to another. you actually had to stop and watch the people and find where they may shift in the direction you want to go, then exploit that shift.
my father did find the ammo he was looking for. a box each of 243 and 308. he almost got himself a touch screen stylus for his phone.. but his phone wont work with stylus for some reason. worked fine for me, but i didnt need one.
me? didnt find much interesting outside the airsoft guns. i am surprised paintball guns aren't present at this show. got a huge paintball fanbase here. there were rubberband guns and marshmallow guns too! and the more interesting antiques such as guns and artifacts from the civil war and whatnot then on into the odd stuff with coin collectors and jewelry O.-.o.
and then your consipracy nutjobs too.

a cool thing was this one lady's booth that sold nothing but food.. mostly.. twas basically food that can be stored for long periods of time. freeze dried stuff. but she also had survival stuff like multitools and other items that would be useful on camping trips. twas the only card i grabbed. but i doubt her website works. it didnt at the show and i told her such. oh guess what? its working now.

eventually we found the door again and left. the weather was just rolling in. wind picking up a tad and the rain starting. then we got to the car and sat in a long line trying to get out of the parking lot. didnt get stuck in any puddles, but the next lane over had a wrecker pulling someone out. eventually everybody suddenly lurched into a different direction and went around the back. someone had opened the rear gate, but that line had grown and no one was going anywhere. so, planning on the fly, a few of us ignored both ways and drove behind the grounds to other known exit. that one too mobbed with cars. so us and like one other person saw the open gates on the opposite direction and took it. this road circles the grounds to a far exit down the road. once we took that, a whole load of vehicles followed. turns out that was a good choice, just a small wait at the main road where we pulled out and did a u turn. twas a mess, but we made it out. sucked a bit cause there were no cops doing the directing like would normally be the case with events this big. the only ones were doing safety checks at the door.

so yeah.. thats what yesterday was like outside of the middle of the night ice and snow ^.-.^
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