Just nae call i' English!

Aug 04, 2009 15:16

"Auld Scotland wants nae skinking ware that jaups in luggies: But, if Ye wish her gratefu prayer, Gie her a Haggis!" --Robert Burns*: Address to a Haggis

Food historian Catherine Brown has announced that Haggis, the traditional Scottish dish, was invented in England rather than Scotland. More.

Scottish butchers have dismissed the claim as daft. But, there's always... curry?

Charles MacSween and Son, self-proclaimed "Guardians of Scotland's National Dish," make a wonderful haggis and black pudding. The former can be ordered online. (Just don't eat it too often.) Unfortunately, the FDA restricts importing haggis into the U.S.

But, you can make your own!

* (Burns' most famous work is probably Auld Lang Syne.) January 25th, 2009 is the traditional date for Burns' Night, celebrated in Scotland with (you guessed it,) a traditional haggis meal.

sheep, history, food, scotland, haggis, delicacies

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