Warren Ellis and Joss Whedon Smackfest. (Check the comments.)
Johnny Weir goes home without an Olympic medal: “It doesn’t take much to shake up the average figure skater.
Takes even less to rattle a self-described “princessy” one who complained the minute he came to the village that there was no room service, the bed was hard and there was dust on the floor of his room. He wanted a hotel and limo service. He got a twin bed and a bus schedule” .... ”But, hey, you have to respect anyone who dresses like a swan in public.”
Ugly Face of Crime The Wiki History of the Universe
in 200 Words or Less Greenland’s glaciers are dumping twice as much ice into the Atlantic Ocean now as five years ago because glaciers are moving and melting more quickly.
Apparently Skype is “
impossible to eavesdrop on,” so the Bush Administration’s warrantless snooping may be passé. Ignoring the obvious for the moment, (that “impossible” in this case merely means “impossible at the moment,”) how long do you think it will take for the Bush administration to declare Skype a danger to national security and have it banned?
Expect More.gov Doesn’t he drive a Hummer™?
Gov. Schwarzenegger says he’s planning to fight global warming through a gas tax on CA residents. State GOP activists aren’t happy.