Mid-Week Links

Jan 04, 2006 13:19

With a title like this, how could I not link to it? “Why it can be a very smart move to start life with a Jewish momma” The article is about The Edge, which I linked to a few months ago.

The media made a major screw-up this morning: first reporting that 12 of the 13 trapped miners in West Virginia had been rescued, and then having to correct reports to only one survivor.

From blinkytreefrog: What the Left Behind series really means.

The Seattle Times’ biggest online story last year was one about a man who died having sex with a horse.

How to build a 12-pound Mountain Howitzer at home. FYI: The bottom of the page and the rest of the site has hunting imagery (pics of dead animals).

A new book says the CIA may have handed Iran the formula for building a nuclear bomb in a clumsy covert operation involving a double-crossing Russian agent.

Nearly 600 people who died because of Hurricane Katrina might have survived had floodwalls on two New Orleans canals not collapsed, a Knight Ridder analysis of where bodies were found after the storm indicates.

I watched this unfold last night: David Letterman and Bill O’Reilly went at it during last night’s Letterman show. (Think of it as The Daily Show Lite.) Video excerpts available through the link. The blog post doesn’t mention that O’Reilly once again brought up the Plano School system (even though he already apologized for the error on his own show last month!) in his effort to promote his War Against The War Against Christmas. The comments on the post are interesting, to say the least. The folks blasting “Liberal” Letterman probably cheered each night as they watched him skewer Clinton during that administration.

Mr. Falafel is also threatening to get personal with some NYTimes staffers.

Abramoff: Bush claims his money went equally to both parties. Records show Republicans benefitted more: “Between 2001 and 2004, Abramoff gave more than $127,000 to Republican candidates and committees and nothing to Democrats, federal records show.”

The New York Times ombudsman’ (Byron Calame) accused his paper of “stonewalling” on New Year’s Day. He said they failed to reply to his questions about why editors held the wire-tapping story for a year.

jewish culture, o'reilly, nyt, miners, abramoff scandal, wtf, iran

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