Sonic Rift

Feb 10, 2005 19:18

Haven't said too much about it in my LJ.

In any case, my latest DA journal says some good stuff to know before you read on, so check that if you haven't yet here. The title screen is also up there.

I've got some planning done. I started the storyline for the actual thing, so that's good.

Basically, my plan is as follows:

> Basic Engine demo - shows off game physics, probably by letting one run about with Mina in some little stage thingy.
> Sonic Rift Engine Demo - A full game, of sorts, minus the bonus stages and Chao Garden. It offers three stages for each character - a tutorial, a single stage, and a boss fight - making up a total of twelve stages.
> Sonic Rift - The actual thing.

Yup. Probably confused you all to death. ^^; But I really just wanted to say some crap and maybe get a couple more people interested. Interest keeps things going. Only reason the Imagion game isn't dead.
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