Jan 17, 2005 20:55
Stuff is a good name. Because I got a bunch of it!
Went to the Salem mall today. The big one. With those cool bridges that go over the streets and the parking garage.
GAMESTOP: Beyond Good & Evil - You can get this for PC over at Freddy's for 20 bucks, but I got it for $16.99 or something for the GC. This game rocks. Think Star Fox Adventures in the idea that it's very story based and you beat things with a stick. Now add in Wind Waker's parter system (ish) from the Earth and Wind Temples, only the pig's a lot smarter than Makar and a lot more talkative (and fat) than Medli. Now throw in the trademark weirdness of the creator - the same guy who made Rayman - and a lot of cool effects that make you think you're watching some high-budget Hollywood film. Sure, their lips don't move when they talk outside of cut scenes, but, hey, the game's opening scene goes into slow-mo with matching music! Or maybe it was the massive monsters crowding the screen killing the frame rate... but the music definitely gave it a "We did this on purpose BECAUSE WE CAN!" feel.
GAMESTOP: Thumb Wars - Best... Movie... Ever. Or at least it was until Kung-Pow! came out. But, hey, they're both directed by the same guy,who is a GENIOUS. Seven bucks. Score.
BORDERS (It WAS a Waldenbooks, but now they added OVERPRICED ANIME! $25 EACH! *gag*): Comic Party #3 & 4! I didn't even know THREE were out yet, much less FOUR. So happy! The lady threw my pimp gift card away, tho... >.>
EB GAMES: Dreamcast controller. Was going to be $6. Rang up $3. Hawt. Even hawter was the fact that it had two memory cards in it when I opened it up. :D So I got roughly a $50-$60 controller... for three bucks.
I got a calendar, too. Snoopy planner thingy because I feel a need for one for the first time in my life. I was supposed to start using them in, what, eigth grade? *snort*
Jayce got Yoshi's Story for the 64. That cost him ten bucks. Mom got us both two pairs of pants, but the kid got undies while I got a neato AE coat on sale. :P Gah! Take that, coldness!
I have a cold, too... *sniff, ack! choke, sniff* .>) AND, well... I'd feel like crap. Like right now. *sneeze*