Time Stalkers

Nov 13, 2004 20:45

Got a Dreamcast gethering dust like mine and have a hankerin' for a good RPG? Run to Game Crazy with eight bucks and get Time Stalkers. Pray they still have it. Fools.

I'm not very far into things yet, but it's... interesting. The main character is not someone you'll grow to love in any hurry. XD He's a jerk. But the cast in general is very colorful with a huge variety of personalities. Every NPC and player charater alike develops as the game goes on, each with their own story that, in most cases, you can choose to follow or ignore because, hey, they're NPCs. But the depth to every little character is amazing in itself. And the Dod talks backwards. Sort of. Ksaf T'nodr...

Graphics-wise, think around the quality of the first Evolution, and a surprisingly similar structure. Randomly generated dungeons, a party of no more than three. The weird part? Only one main character can be in your party at any given time. The rest of your parteners are monsters you capture in the dungeons. A lot of the time, you can control them. The rest of the time, you can attempt to only to have them not listen to you and do something different. Interesting.

Also interesting is the fact that every time you start a new dungeon, you're set to level 1 once again. It becomes a matter of equipment choice over how well you do at the start of a dungeon. Choosing equipment is hard enough as it is, but between that and items you can carry a mere four things into a dungeon with you, making for an interesting task of decision. On top of this, only two monsters can assist you at any given time (though which two you use can be changed every floor).

The story is a little hard to follow thus far, but is piecing together well enough to be passing. The game's world is ever expanding, having a new area literally fall from the sky after every dungeon you clear. And the anime style, while looking pretty crappy on the 3D models, gives the game an amazing attention to detail, with every singe character having their own face (with only a few color swaps reserved for things like twins and groups, mind you. A lot of faces!) or even SEVERAL faes (as is the case with Sword, Friday, and pretty much any other importaqnt character...), and giving you the desire and wish that you may one day find a piece of equipment that lets you kill your enemies with your ridiculously pointy hair.

All in all, definitely worth the money. I've been looking for this since I first saw it in Toys R Us after getting the Dreamcast, and I must say I'm glad I persisted.

I'll give it a formal review once I've gotten farther into it... >.>
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