~"How long have you been standing there?!" "Not long enough."

Jun 09, 2024 07:39

I finally sat down and caught up on scanning my sketchbooks and ended up with like... 80 new pages. I'm ALREADY way behind on posting them, god knows if I'll ever catch up. BUT WHY NOT MAKE AN EFFORT WITH ANOTHER VERY RARE SKETCHBOOK POST

A while back I mentioned that I censored some early Handplates pages because of spoilers, but now I can post them for real! I did in fact forget about this until someone reminded me lol. It's still so weird to think of the whole thing being over... well, Handplates stuff is primarily what's in this post, although there are some other general Undertale things in here. A lot of general early concepts and scripts that ended up in the main comic in one way or another!

There's just SO MANY PAGES left to go through and already typing these up is so time-consuming, I'm just going to post the whole page without redoing the text. IF YOU CAN READ MY HANDWRITING THEN YOU'LL GET A LOT OUT OF THESE otherwise I'll try to briefly explain what's going on. To be honest sometimes I have trouble reading my own writing lol I JUST GET LAZY AND SLOPPY

Anyway bunch of big images ahead, around... forty or so? PREPARE YOURSELF

And the previous spoiler was GASTER COMING BACK GAAAAASP I had it planned for ages, haha. Before I'd even decided what I wanted him to look like! He's vaguely mystery man-ish here, he looks super weird. Originally when he snatched them it was not going to be as big a deal, some silly dialogue, that kind of thing. They still don't know who he is at first and Sans does still say he's busy amusingly enough. Gaster does not want to be your dad!!

And the other half of it. Gaster is a lot meaner and coherent here, basically telling them exactly what he's going to do and how giving back their memories works and such. One of the lines I didn't get to use here sadly was him putting his hand on Papyrus's head and Papyrus going "Is this some kind of dad thing? Do I put my hand on your head too? I'm really more of a mom than a dad."
Another thing Gaster says is "They say ignorance is bliss, but your happiness was never a concern of mine" which is ice cold lol.

Anyway, onto new pages! Well, ones you haven't seen before new, I drew these ages ago.

Working out some casual clothes for Papyrus, and some of the aftermath for the plates getting put on and Sans's eye getting broken. Notably there's a shot of Papyrus reaching into Gaster's emotional box! Even early on I had that idea in mind, haha. And some bits from them not finding anything in the lab.

More early drafts for certain moments, like after Gaster gets pulled into the beams. One idea here I forgot about is one I think where Papyrus pulls a Madoka and considers being forgotten to save their world. Sans is not into it surprisingly.

One of the shots is Gaster if he was a Murder run boss, an idea I've always been interested in but never really did anything with. His dialogue there I still like though - "I know you're going to kill me. It's what I deserve. But in return you should know I'm going to make it very hard for you to do."

One bit here is me speculating about them seeing something at night after they get future vision. At first I considered Papyrus seeing it and waking Sans up, but in the end I had Sans see it instead.

Mostly working out bits of dialogue for the scar conversation and the one about being scared all the time. Also has them being a bit weirded out by glasses since they remind them of Gaster, and Papyrus having his neck touched of course. Also a teeny shot of Gaster talking to them about sudoku, hehe.

Them in the hot air balloon showed up much later when they're on the surface, but it was originally for them talking about their first loop dreams. There's a silly thing with Sans stacking things on Papyrus's head while he's distracted, as well as Alphys and Asgore talking about the handplates. also ONE WINGED ASGORE

The first sketch has some lines from Kokoro. :B There are some more bits from after Gaster gets pulled into the beams, and the torn paper conversation.

Gaster cleaning chocolate off them, Gerson telling them to watch out for who put the plates on them, and Alphys suggesting glasses looking cool but them falling off lol. There are also some bits from the bravery conversation, along with an idea I scrapped where Gaster talks about Papyrus being an incredible weapon. Didn't really make sense so I got rid of it. On the bottom left is a lot of stuff for the first time loop one up above. The bottom right are the lyrics to Sunny Hours, haha.

Papyrus smuggling kids in the trunk, hehe. There's also a cute idea here I totally forgot about where Gaster takes the kids to Waterfall in the mercy timeline and they're very amazed by the sensation of water drops.
Top one is this silly Gravity Falls reference.

Some bits of them seeing themselves in the future, but also one with Gaster seeing the brothers when he's dying on a murder run, never did do anything with that. Also has a bit that amuses me where I guess the brothers find his body after he does it and Sans is like "...well i hope you're not waiting for a thank you" lol. Also some bits of Gaster being mean to Sans in the chair.

Also cleaning the babies much to their dismay, haha.

A continuation of the little brothers in the rain, Alphys and Sans talking about depression, and some generalized Sans angst that made its way into various scripts.

dust jar stuff

A bit from Gaster's nightmare and gaster getting stuck with a very awkward question lol.

Summer tiiiiimeee also sketches for Papyrus posting dumb statuses while he was drunk.

first part is a thing that happened with nana, eventually it got too much for me and i stopped. if you can read my handwriting you can probably figure it out.

Bottom are some early sketches for Toriel taking the brothers in.

Koyaanisqatsi comic, also one with Papyrus insisting on a higher level story for bedtime.

I forgot about this cute idea about them recording a mess of an answering machine message. Wait... DID I color that...? Oh god my memory

Sans pretending to wake up, I also forgot about the "i saw a totoro!" "totoreally cool bro" exchange, hehe.

Gaster is mostly thinking about arguments over pacifism that show up with Papyrus here and there. He does say at one point that Papyrus's stubbornness comes from him, haha. Also some sketches of the Momplates brothers being scared to leave the Ruins.

Papyrus and Gaster arguing about goodness, per usual. Also Gaster getting in trouble for smoking, hehe.

Teeemmmieeee I have a note here like lol actual plot points at Temmie village but i DID IT I REGRET NOTHING IT WAS GREAT

The brothers at the top are arguing about Gaster breaking Sans's eye.

Terrifying Asgore tsum. Some bits from Gaster menacing Papyrus about seeing, the smile cookies, and Papyrus having a nightmare.


Also a scenario where Papyrus has a nightmare while Alphys and Undyne are around, it continues on the next page.

Gaster being mean to Sans again! Also the rest of that idea above, it sort of meandered off and I didn't know how to finish it so I never did anything with it. Instead I went with waking Sans up from a bad nightmare, haha.

Coat stealing, font mocking.

More of the coat stealing, also Gaster guiding Papyrus after he overloaded his eyes.

Papyrus getting Sans some socks, Sans taking an angry nap, and some of Gaster contemplating mercy! One of the text bits is "You want a family of things" which I imagine him saying to himself to try and dissuade himself from changing his mind about the project. Another idea here is them sort of bleeding liquid magic when their eyes overload... sort of had that going with the stained bandages over the eyes, I forgot about that.

Rest of the angry nap, dust jar stuff, general angst.

more dust jar stuff. Sans and Papyrus are having some kind of morality argument here, just stuff that showed up in other places in better form.

Some bits of when Sans went into that coma, and also Asgore finding them on the floor, and a cute thing with them bapping each other with reeds. Also some more dust jar stuff, I think this was around when Loki died, so he's showing up a lot.

more of the coma idea, can see some notes to myself where I'm not sure how to end it. Also a convo with Sans and Papyrus about Doggo's dad falling down, some early speculation on how he'd end up in the Royal Guard. Also has the comic with Sans being antisocial.

Sans waking up, dust jar, Don't Starve, some other doodles. I forgot an idea where Sans has to try and pull Papyrus back as a Lost Soul!

Idea here I completely forgot about with Papyrus pulling off a last minute victory in chess. Also the brothers gossiping about each other.

Him seeing them alive! Also some early bits of Asgore freaking out after Asriel died, and Toriel asking if Gaster agrees with his plan. Ended up just having her run off without talking to him.

Toriel asking him to try and change Asgore's mind, another thing I forgot about! Also has Gaster talking about the Core's team, and Alphys joking about a "Core core" and teasing him about being bad with names. Was also working out the idea of Alphys healing him around here.

Working out more of Alphys healing him, forgot I had a more forceful idea where she just pulled his bandages off to look at his hands, haha. Also the donut comic.

lol on the bottom left was a silly idea of them on a cooking show competition and Undyne all "I'm not here to make friends!" and Papyrus in the back like I'M HERE TO MAKE FRIENDS

Some of the little comics about the size of SOULs and Gaster rebuffing a hug.

Sans in the laundry! I also have a note to myself "I need to write all these scripts into the file already, they're all scattered around", so you can see I was just sort of playing out pieces of scenes at random, haha.

Gaster holding the weird tentacle thing was when I was speculating about how exactly he tore his SOUL into pieces. Eventually I decided the method didn't really need to be explained. Also a bit from them reminiscing about what Gaster used to be like.

Lots of Sixbones! And some of Gaster and Alphys being puzzled by people disappearing into the Core. The top right text was just working out ideas for Mettaton.

The bottom bit was something I forgot about, Papyrus saying he learned about kindness and empathy from his human friend, while instead the kid turns it around and says they learned it from HIM.

Just little doodles. In the corner Gaster is saying Sans can't ever kill him and Sans is like maybe I'll push you, but I decided a conversation about that was unnecessary, haha. And tsum sneezes!

More about them reminiscing, some of Asgore's thoughts when they started to live with him, and Gaster telling them not to touch SOULS, haha.

And that brings me up to page 100 of this sketchbook! About maybe 46 pages left in it...? And that's just that sketchbook, I've filled up more since then AGGHHHH

I already should NOT be up this late as it is, I should call it here. A lot of these sketches got colored later! Most of my ideas start as rough sketches like this and then I redraw them digitally later. Some of them I just never get around to though.

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undertale, giant sketchposts

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