~Are you dead cause if you are we're gonna take off

Dec 06, 2021 22:17

Aaaa December always feels like it goes by so fast! D: There's always so much going on this month, haha.

People have asked me a lot over the years about if I have any other projects planned for when Handplates is over, and I was always like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ lol idk, I just kind of stumbled into Handplates by accident and I assumed whatever long-term project I got into next would be a similar story where it just kind of happened without warning.

I miiiiight have stumbled into it.

Deltarune spoilers ahead!

BUT FIRST, SOME UNRELATED COMICS gd spamton, he's in my head so deep and i hate it I'M PART OF THE PROBLEM BUT I CAN'T STOP

So Toby made this tweet that went:

"Nest with Pipis
A Spamton's nest with pipis inside.
May be used to talk about actual nests or pipis. May also be used to talk about pipis in general or to represent phrases like nest pipis or pipis nest."

And most people interpreted it as him being a bird and to be fair there's a fair amount pointing to it and also it's a cute image but for SOME REASON I kept picturing something like a gremlin nest. So I was like WELL I MIGHT AS WELL GO FULL CREEPY and here we go, haha. I pictured it like the eggs in Alien a bit although I didn't really think of the ramifications of them being sticky/wet until it was done and I was like oh... hmm...
It also didn't occur to me that some people would get off on him lying these kind of eggs but eh, internet

The money they're nested in is monopoly money colored lol

A few people were like "I keep mistaking Scriabin for Spamton at a glance lol" or vice versa and to be fair, I have seen fanart of Spamton that looks a lot like Scri at times, particularly when his hair is long. This was mostly an excuse to draw Spamton swimming in Scriabin's coat though. I should've drawn Spamton's clothes tinier on Scri but I forgot! Oh well.

A follow-up to the actual serious comic with Spamton Neo, haha. I WONDERED IF ANYONE ELSE PICTURED IT LIKE THIS and apparently I wasn't the only one! I don't know why they trussed him up in vines afterwards though.
This did big numbers on Twitter which I did not expect, haha. I've gotten a whole bunch of followers there out of nowhere which makes me a bit self-conscious now.

I was thinking about how Spamton duplicates himself and then I was like oh duh he's a spam email, that's the definition of spam. The double meaning of volume=loud and volume=amount didn't occur to me until it was done though, haha.

It's implied that Spamton disguised himself as Swatch to try and sneak into Queen's Mansion to get to the Neo body which is funny on a lot of levels. The obvious punchline would be that Swatch is like five times Spamton's size so his disguise would be absurd, but it's actually kind of funnier to me if Swatch was also tiny. I went and looked but the overworld sprite implies Swatch is the same size as the other Swatchlings sadly BUT STILL

Spamton stuck little post-it notes to himself to match Swatch's vest lol. He also stole the tie from Pink probably. At this point I just resigned myself to giving Spamton a slightly oversized shirt because it's cute, I might as well give into it. IT'S TOO LATE FOR ME.

I dunno it was late


I've been devouring Spamton and Addison content and I love all the different relationships and interactions people give them, they're all so cute, haha. A lot of them are fairly positive or close, like a lot of people see them as brothers or family, which is precious and I love it, all the fluff is so cute. Love it with them as brothers, as friends, as lovers, I LOVE ALL OF IT (not at the same time, no incest).

HOWEVER, in the game, the Addisons ditched Spamton pretty hard, which is kind of hard to reconcile with all the fluff, and this image came to mind and wouldn't leave me alone so I just decided to finally get it down. THERE'S AN ACTUAL BACKGROUND OMG I usually don't have time for full-scale comics like this anymore with Handplates taking up most of my time. I got to use one of my wobbly brushes I got in Clip Studio for the panel borders which was fun, haha. Though I probably should've made it bigger.

The Addisons and Spamton at least seemed to be friends from how often they hung out, and they knew where he was since they go and line up there when he "dies" to tell you his story out of apparent guilt, but they never go over there to help him or anything despite knowing he was homeless and/or living in the dump. And then when you try to talk to the Addisons about it, they pretend not to know him or brush you off all we don't talk about that! It just seems cold to me given how much time they used to spend together. The image of them breaking it off with him, then being so consumed with guilt and shame over doing it for such a petty reason like jealousy kept sticking with me. Like they knew where he was and that they'd done him wrong but just couldn't get up the courage to confront him about it.

Haha with this one it kind of went

Me: Man the Addisons really did Spamton dirty
Person: They sure did, I hate them
Me: How dare you

But then I was like "but what if they DID come back for him" and HERE WE GO

THE GANG'S ALL HERE it was interesting to try and cobble together some personalities for these four since the game does not give you very much to go on, haha. Pink and Blue have the most to work with, although I'm getting a clearer picture for Orange and Yellow now. Anyway, I've seen a lot of people's Addison takes where it lists their relationships with each other up front, so I thought it might be fun to just put the scene out there and see what people read into it. I liked having them be freaked out by the glitching though, I haven't seen that yet, haha.

The sprite for Yellow seems to have little wings on his head, then I moved them a bit like ears without thinking about it, and then that was it, I was 100% committed to them being wing ears. I actually haven't seen any other Yellows with wing ears so I GUESS IT'S JUST ME
The others have "hair" so I guess the wing ears don't fit in with the others but whatevs, they're geometric shapes, these things can happen.

Pink feeling very guilty about almost leaving him in the trash. I feel like Spamton's too small here but TOO LATE NOW I GUESS


There are a lot of different theories about just how glitchy Spamton is and why, so I decided to go with some corrupted data that happened after his fall at some point, so the others didn't know it happened. I tend to think that the other Addisons saw him crash and burn, felt too awkward to confront him, but also didn't want to just lose track of him completely, so they kept kind of loose tabs on him ("he's hanging around the dump a lot") to make sure he was still alive but otherwise just tried to avoid him or sweep it all under the rug and pretend it never happened, so if he was in REAL bad shape then they wouldn't know and thus wouldn't have to feel bad about it.
(They all feel bad about what happened to varying degrees but never really talk about it amongst themselves because It's Hard)

So finding out he's all glitched up is a pretty unpleasant shock cause now they can't just ignore it! NOW YOU HAVE TO FACE HIM which none of them are really looking forward to doing, haha.

I made a comment when I posted this like "call in and vote!" and people actually voted for real which I should have expected but didn't somehow, haha. It was really interesting to see how the votes panned out though. Pink was the winner with Blue right behind, although a few wanted to see Orange (to get more of a sense of his personality) or Yellow (since he seems responsible). I was already going to do Pink though since I felt like it'd lead to the most Delicious Drama™ but it was interesting to see most votes fall on him anyway, haha.

So in what must come as no shock at all to you I kept playing this scenario out and now I have like ten scripts planned out for it of Spamton confronting the Addisons in turn about what happened and there's a lot of DRAMA and FEELINGS and eventually I want them to reconcile and cuddle but I haven't quite planned the route to that yet. BUT SCRIPTS FOR IT JUST KEEP POPPING INTO MY HEAD AND I CAN'T STOP

WHATEVER THIS STORY IS IT'S NOT GOING QUIETLY really it'd probably be better suited to a fic but whatever I started it as a comic so now I'm COMMITTED

Thing is, I have no idea what to call it so far, it just sort of happened and I'm drawing a total blank. If it's going to go on for a while though, it should probably have some kind of snappy name! I dunno though, haha. If you've got any ideas let me know.

I also posted this at dreamwidth. Comment here or there, don't matter to me!

art, deltarune

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