~Just dump and click!

Sep 16, 2021 22:53


On a personal note things have mostly been okay, ended up actually going out and interacting with people outside the house lately! I was still a bit afraid of getting Covid even though I'm vaccinated but I think that's just what life is going to be like from now on. The odds of getting it while vaccinated, much less dying from it, are a lot lower at least, so it's not the same stark terror as before. But still! It's weird to think that this is just going to be our life from now on, most likely.

Handplates has hit the ~big climax~ after all these years, haha. It's fun to actually get to this point after picturing and planning it for so long! The next page specifically I think is the REAL climactic page, although the scene won't be over yet, and it's going to be long too blagh. The last one already was longer than any other comic (at 8000 PIXELS) and the next one will probably be longer depending on how I space and panel it. I don't want to condense dramatic shots down for this moment, but I also don't want to do like a 12000px comic. :/ But at the same time, I don't really want to cut it in half either. I might just have to see how it goes when I actually thumb it out. Still! I hope I can pull off the emotional punch of it right.
There's a real sense of accomplishment at finally getting to this point after picturing it so long ago. It feels like it was ages ago, and yet not very long ago at all. Time is really an illusion lately. Related, Undertale's sixth birthday was yesterday! And I started Handplates in November, haha. A little over two months later... they really aren't that far apart. I wonder if I can finish Handplates by the end of this year? I think I'd be in better shape for it if I hadn't hurt my arm. >:( As it is, I dunno... I know the point I'd like to reach for the Handplates anniversary but I'm not sure if I'll be able to make it. Guess we'll just have to see. :o

I did draw something for the UT anniversary though!

It was all I could really think of this time around. Last anniversaries were a lot fancier, what with Pa-py-po, Caipirinha, Rolling Girl... but this time this was all I got! The words echoing through the years...

This really seemed to resonate with people though, so I must have done something right, haha.

DELTARUNE CHAPTER 2 ALSO DROPPING ON FRIDAY the reveal for it on the stream was so much fun, haha. I knew they were up to something!

Anyway, I finally did the sorting for the Starcon2 site's art section the other night, so at least that's all set, I just have to write it up now, ehhhh. Speaking of webdesign though, I found a great tool for image galleries on Emma Essex's page where I could dump files into a folder and have it auto-generate links and thumbnails, which is about perfect! And I ALMOST have it just the way I want, but I ran into a minor snag... I'd like to set it up so it can read subfolders and display those too so I can have one page split up into nice clean categories. I can get the links to the images to work, but I can't get the thumbnails to appear! You can see me testing it here, ignore the placeholder text, haha. At the bottom under part two, there are working links to the files in the subfolder, but it won't display the thumbnails. I think it must be some php thing but I really know very little about it, haha. Maybe one of you knows more? It'd be so great to get this up and running since it'd make maintaining an art gallery a breeze, although I wouldn't be able to have individual descs or titles for each one... I think.

Anyway, here's the php under a cut!

There are two files, index.php and image.php. Image.php is pretty simple, I don't think it's related.

So I don't think the issue is there. Here's index.php.

'.rawurlencode($num).' works for generating the url to the subfolder image, but I don't get why it won't pull the right image for the thumbnail. There must be something I'm missing!

I also posted this at dreamwidth. Comment here or there, don't matter to me!

art, updates, undertale

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