~Can I borrow a cup of sex?

Jun 27, 2021 20:54


Went through my old sketchbook scans and picked out all the porn/ish ones since that'd be a bit easier than typesetting the whole thing, haha. Not as much dialogue to redo in these! ...Mostly. Man I haven't cleaned up sketches in so long, I must admit I didn't do a very thorough job with these since I don't really anticipate doing anything else with them, haha. It was weird to save .gif files again, I always did that for sketches but it's been so long since I've done that.

Anyway, it's all Vargas related, unsurprisingly. There's one SFW doodle of Hunter and Smoker, ZEX and DAX, and a few little SFW doodles of Gaster and some Temmies, then the rest is just Vargas smut, haha. Well, to varying degrees. Some of it's just makeouts or jokes about sex, and some of it is fairly hardcore sex. There are penises! Poorly drawn ones, but still! It's shocking.

I assume it goes without saying at this point but Edgar and Scriabin's relationship is a hideous nightmare so some of this is super messed up and goes into dubcon territory, or at least abusive territory. So be cautious! I'll put the little SFW sketches at the beginning, you can just skip the rest if that's all you want, haha.

If for SOME REASON the images aren't working, you can see them at dreamwidth. Not sure what's going on with LJ right now. :/

I was watching Buzzfeed Unsolved and pictured them going on a ghost hunting adventure, hehe.

true romance

I should do a serious shot of Gaster holding a Temmie at some point.

Okay this is Vargas related BUT it is SFW so here it goes


Their genderswap versions, haha. It just amuses me to picture ladyEdgar having a bigger rack than ladyScriabin, that'd drive her so crazy.

Some random doodles, including some for the little kiss comic I did recently, haha. I didn't feel like typesetting the other one, basically some anon taunting Scriabin about whether or not them dating Edgar would upset him (it would).

OH YEAH this sketchbook was a Steven Universe themed one so it has SU art on some of the pages randomly, so that's why that's there if you're wondering, haha.

Who will tell Edgar when he's being gay now! oops typo

Who walked in on them though

The angle in the last panel is supposed to be more Edgar looking down and Scriabin lowering his head and raising his chin with one hand to make him look at him but it looks wonky, eh.

Terrible slap sketches while I was working on Once Again, haha

Random smut with random SFW stuff, as usual. Scriabin singing to Todd was halfmonster's idea! Some early doodles for them bickering over dinner as well.

Scan cut off a bit of the left side of this, annoyingly enough. Oh well.

Spoilers: he does anyway

Gasp, it's Jake!!

Just a kiss but eh might as well pick it out while I'm doing this.

Random porny ones on the left, I didn't say it'd be good porn! I MADE NO PROMISES also some random doodles while I was working on the latest Vargas chapter, a few diaryfic things, the wedding from the Parent-Teacher fic. My pages are all over.

From Haha then what, Scriabin being as incredibly loud as possible as usual

Always like little reminders that Edgar also treats Scriabin terribly at times, haha. What was it... I made a joke once that went something like

scriabin: don't talk or interact with anyone but me, if you even think about getting into a relationship with someone else i will flip out
edgar: you are so jealous and controlling, what is your problem
scriabin: [flirts with someone]

Basically chapter 33

I can't believe I've been drawing Nny for so long and I've NEVER been happy with how he looks. HOW CAN I NOT PIN DOWN A LOOK FOR HIM AFTER ALL THIS TIME
I do like him holding that fork though.

Edgar talks about going to work but this is clearly in a dream?? idk his perception of reality is probably fuzzy, whatever

I was typesetting these in a different version of Photoshop and I just could NOT get emphasis on Scriabin's text to look right so it's just marked with slashes now, whatever.

Stitched some random bits together, although it's hilarious to me that in the middle of all this Edgar abuse there's two little tsumtsums of them lol
Oh yeah! That little "hit me more again again" is from accidentally, which I'd like to do something with him to but I couldn't pin down a good image, haha. I actually do like that little floaty shot of Edgar though.

Speaking of them treating each other terribly, I had "then they went home and had extremely angry sex" as a tag on the dinner bickering comic I linked to above, and someone was like "how do you have angry sex" so I decided to play it out for fun. I pictured them actually genuinely hurting each other's feelings and feeling awful and resentful at the end of it. HEALTHY RELATIONSHIPS

Another random kiss, why not

The classic trope of drunken confessions. I was playing out two different options (Scri -> Edgar, Edgar -> Scri) but they end up looking like one continuous thing since there aren't any clear delineations between them. WELL WHATEVER
I do love Edgar's "it's so STUPID haha" face.

Don't make out at work you two what are you doing!!

I might actually color this one haha I THINK I FORGOT TO RESIZE SOME OF THESE, OOPS

dangers of drawing late at night

Scriabin is ALWAYS too rough is the thing
Some little doodles from when I was rewriting chapter 13 as well, why not.

Messing with his beautiful hair. Post-sex? Perhaps.

I really like this shot, not sure why.

"Why is Scriabin so jealous and possessive, where did he get it from" Edgar asks himself. The answer is a mystery.

How does Edgar keep getting into these situations! I didn't bother redoing the text since it wasn't important, it'll be a fun challenge for those who've mastered reading my handwriting over the years

Excuse me!!

Edgar and his two insane boyfriends

Nny always looks better when I draw him angry, I'm not sure why I'm surprised by this

The comic that was the impetus for Manual Override!

Mom said it's my turn on Jake

Sex pollen is a classic fic trope but I've never really seen the appeal, so I thought I'd toy with the idea a bit and see where it'd go. I actually love their weird disoriented conversation, it cuts right through to the heart of the matter so efficiently, haha. Something very sad about "say you love me again" "i can't, you're going to hurt me real bad".

Hard to draw Scri's eyes half-open with his glasses though, don't like how that looks really.

from that bit where Scriabin almost got decked by that guy in the store in chapter 31 lol

Little holos from Pause Rewind Play! WATCH THEM MAKEOUT EDGAR, IT'S IMPORTANT

The third panel of his makes me crack up every time, just Scriabin's face is hilarious to me.

I might actually color this one, haha. I'd drop the last panel though. This is what you get for tumbling the holos in your hands like that, Edgar!

Oh right, the next bit needs this one for context and I haven't posted it anywhere yet, but it's a bit of a follow up on Trust Exercise, even though it's a little early for Scriabin to be hitting on him like this. This actually originally went on longer:

But then it started getting too sad so I stopped, haha. EDGAR THIS ISN'T REALLY BETTER
Edgar all "just tell me I'm not disgusting" and Scriabin like [does everything but that]

Thinking about Pretty When You Cry again, the lyrics are so good for them! Can't get down a good image though.

A common refrain in these is Scriabin rambling dirty talk to him and Edgar going "don't say it like that", just hates being reminded of exactly what it is he's doing.


Nny's face in the second panel is hilarious to me.

Don't pressure Edgar into sex when he's not in the mood, Scriabin. Some random doodles of priest Edgar as well cause why not.

Another common refrain being Edgar telling Scriabin to be quiet or he's too loud, haha. SO DRAMATIC ABOUT EVERYTHING.

Holds, as one does

This is from a WIP I have lying around about Scriabin touching Edgar and him being way too into it, so this is actually just Scriabin touching his back and nothing else, haha.

SAME WITH THIS DESPITE THE POSITIONING i do love Scri's hands here though

More kisses and such

Things getting personal!

I was picturing someone capturing/tying Scriabin up to finally just see his eyes, but he keeps them closed when they take his glasses off just to spite them, haha. It is satisfying to see him in a weaker/helpless position though what with how awful he is most of the time.

Little things from Unnecessary but ugh Nny always looks weird.

Also me playing out the general scenario leading to Unnecessary and realizing "wait, this is straight-up noncon" halfway through.

Did I come up with their angel/demon versions and immediately draw porn of them? Maybe

Blowjob issues, it's a crisis


Dangerous rough sex without any concern for the other person? Must be Scriabin! I didn't bother redoing his text since it's just stupid rambly dirty talk nonsense, it wasn't really worth it, haha. There is a shot of Edgar topping him instead in there though! Just kind of all over the place.

One of the things they didn't do in You can't live like this was oral sex! At least... it wasn't explicitly mentioned. I imagine that'd actually be harder for Edgar than any other kind of sex, haha. Just triggers all his issues massively. Also some little bits from Pause Rewind Play in there.
I'm really fond of the "You're not going to Hell. Well not for (blowjobs) anyway." at the bottom for some reason. Also "I mean I could jerk off onto your face and you could try to get it in your mouth" "GOD THAT'S DISGUSTING" makes me laugh every time as well, something about their faces.

Speaking of blowjobs

Can't do one without the other! I like the idea of Edgar covering his mouth to try and be quiet as a contrast to Scriabin just never being quiet at all. Top left was me trying to figure out a shot to Silver Warp, but I never decided on one in the end.

Also Scriabin telling him/forcing him NOT to cover his mouth.

I really love "No one can @#%$ you like I can" "#%@$ me over maybe", I have no idea where else I could use that though, haha.

I'd like this better if I'd scooted Scriabin further away from him, as it is he's too far up on his body. Maybe it's a bizarre form of frottage?? It always bugs me when I look at it.
People like "man artists always must be jerking off while they draw porn!" when most of the time it's like man this pose doesn't look right :/

One of the things they don't tell you about being an artist drawing porn is when you start challenging yourself to come up with new positions so you don't just keep drawing the old ones and things start getting weird. I don't know if this is even an actual position or if it'd be comfortable! Not that Scriabin would care if Edgar was comfortable or not, really. Again, Scriabin just rambling explicitly to him and Edgar like no stop reminding me about all this gay sex why

Also amuses me to think of certain positions being really hard or tiring for them since they haven't really had much sex before this point. Edgar particularly having a hard time with this one! I have a better comic about this in my new sketchbook, maybe I'll scan it at some point.

THIS ONE IS ACTUALLY MY FAVORITE AND I'D COLOR IT IF I COULD POST IT ANYWHERE which I obviously can't since the sex at the beginning sets up the whole thing, haha. Edgar giving him a tender kiss is a significant moment for him!! Why do you ruin everything, Scriabin!!
lol you can see on the left my first attempt but the positioning was wrong and I didn't want to erase the faces to fix it YOU SEE WHAT I MEAN

I mentioned angel/demon sex, well
The funny thing is their designs are so busy that where do the wings go during sex!! What about the flaming rings!! I demand consistency!! I did this to myself!

Even as an angel/demon Edgar still tells Scriabin to stop talking during sex lol


I also posted this at dreamwidth. Comment here or there, don't matter to me!

art, there's a hunter spookin around here, star control 2, edgar and/or scriabin, undertale, giant sketchposts

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