~You can't marry me, we're the same person!

Feb 18, 2014 15:29

Man I've felt so drained lately, blegh. BUT HEY, HERE ARE A FEW MORE DETAILS ABOUT THE VIDEO, WHY NOT

As a bit of a bonus, if you're interested in the process a bit, I forgot I left a copy of my stickfigure planning version (a storyboard? but it seems too simple) on my domain. I finished the first sequence with the two of them back to back right away, but the rest I laid out with stick figures to give me an idea of what I wanted to do, and later on I went and filled each part out. Some sequences I ended up changing, but most of them are the same. :O But I dunno, maybe you're interested in seeing how loose it can all be to begin with, haha. And I mean, this is when I actually do plan out an entire video to begin with, sometimes I just do it as I go along, like with Stamp on the Ground or Move Your Dead Bones and such. But it's here, although there's no preloader and it'll probably loop and the audio quality is super low, haha.


For the heck of it, I went and snagged a shot of the two of them from Move Your Dead Bones back in 2005.

YEESH actually Edgar featured way more heavily in MYDB than Scri did (the whole first half is him, really, god it looks so terrible), but since they're both conveniently right next to each other here, why not.

Then about four years later, here they are in Stamp on the Ground.

Sort of an impressive jump to me, haha. Got their more square-ish heads here like they SHOULD HAVE HAD TO BEGIN WITH but eh whatever. Edgar and Scri have been around for such a long time that I can track a bunch of weird style jumps I went through with them, it's sort of fascinating to me, haha. Scri doesn't look much like he used to back when I was first drawing him, although to be fair his design went through a few changes as time went on (mostly the length of his hair went from a giant poofsort of shaggy to shoulder-length over the course of... six months to a year, I think, it didn't take very long). Actually heck, let's see if I have the first shot of Scriabin around here, why not.

HOW THINGS CHANGE AS TIME GOES BY and he's still hanging around, who would've thought.

OH also you can see Nny in that shot from Stamp on the Ground there, he hasn't changed very much from then to now though.

Could be because I draw him so rarely, haha.

ANYWAY let's see, where did I start with these. OH I went and took caps of the preloader chibis, since I figured those might be the hardest to catch since you only have a short time to click through them all. The ending chibis are much easier.

Haha I do wonder how many people who were around for them have stuck around this whole time. God knows there are such huge gaps between these two showing up again.

I think someone asked what language I've Learned Too Much was sung in, so why not have Edgar clarify this time.

LOADING TIMES ARE FASTER THAN THEY USED TO BE maybe back in the day it'd be easier to fall for this but when I was testing it, you have to click through them pretty quickly to be able to see them all before it finishes loading.

2005-2006 WAS THEIR HEYDAY I THINK it's weird to think about now.

Edgar does not fall for such ruses! >:(


I don't think Edgar would care for it, haha. I'm not sure what kind of music he likes. He may not really be into it. :O IT'S BEEN A WHILE SINCE I'VE THOUGHT ABOUT THIS STUFF

99% of what they do is talk to/yell at each other, I swear.

And that was the last one! I set up the coding for this pretty early on, then later when I thought of another snip of dialogue, I'd go add it to either the preloader or the ending. Then after I finished the whole thing I had to go back and draw all the chibis arrrghhh

Anyway, the establishing shot! I finished this super early on. The red thing in Scri's hair is a bit of yarn, and its placement is actually pretty flexible. Scriabin is a voice in Edgar's head and thus doesn't have an actual physical body of his own, but he does have an avatar of sorts he's created for himself to use in Edgar's dreams and the like, which is what you see most of the time. He can change the avatar however he likes, which means that the bit of yarn in his hair moves around randomly, or sometimes isn't there at all (he got it in a bit of plot-related stuff, I won't get into it right now). THIS ISN'T AN EXCUSE FOR ME BEING INCONSISTENT but more so that I wanted to have Edgar's scars be a counterpoint to Scri's yarn (both being bits of red on black), and as such with them back to back like this, that meant the yarn ended up on the right side of his hair this time and stayed there for the rest of the vid. This is a super pointless thing that no one probably cares about I'M GLAD I'M SHARING IT WITH YOU ANYWAY
(This is also why Scri appears to be floating in this shot - the laws of reality normally don't apply to him in the whitespace. In particular he likes flouting gravity and floating around, haha)

I also finished this shot early and actually colored it right after, which was weird, but mostly I used it as a palette for later when I was coloring the whole thing, since all the colors were all in place. At least, until I got to the point where I'd memorized where each of the shades I was using for them were. ARGH
Scri uses a whole bunch of varying shades of dark grey, I'm not sure how distinct they might be on other people's monitors, but he's not all entirely the same shade of grey, haha.
Although since I saved these as PNGs, the dark grey I used for their hair seems to be showing up as completely black. Eh whatever.

THERE ARE SO MANY LINES THAT ARE JUST SO PERFECT IN THIS this one in particular is a great summary for Scriabin, whose number one favorite pasttime is tearing people down for their flaws/mistakes, real or imagined.

These health bars are based off the ones in the Pokemon Origins special. :B I'd link you to the subbed one I watched but OH NO IT'S BEEN TAKEN DOWN

I dunno why these two shots charm me so much I DUNNO just despite everything Scri's done and all, Edgar gives him a candy anyway, as much as he >:(s about it.
It's a little lemon drop candy, it's sort of hard to tell I'm sure but there's a little yellow drop on the wrapper. :B

This particular line is the same between them, but was translated different ways by both the subbers, so I figured it was more a spirit of the thing than anything else. So the basic line, which is... let's see, あ゛ーむかつくぜ! まーぢむかつくぜ!or "Aaa mukatsuku ze! Maadji mukatsuku ze!" was translated as "Argh, I'm so annoyed! I'm seriously so annoyed!" and "Aah, you make me so angry! You seriously piss me off!" respectively. I figured the second one matched Scri a bit better, and the first one would work for Edgar. :B
The third time it comes around after the quick ranting bit, I did change it a bit to "Aah, you make me so angry! You couldn't infuriate me more!", which was a line in CySub's I think for something else ("Revenge! Punishment! You couldn't infuriate me more!"), but I thought it got the basic idea across and was a bit stronger than annoyed, so I went with that, haha. PLAYING FAST AND LOOSE

people primarily being edgar because he's stuck in him but if he actually had the opportunity he would 100% bother every single person he ever met because it's the only way he knows how to interact with people
also he really enjoys it a lot

One translation had "I'll completely provoke you!" and the other had "You couldn't infuriate me more!" but the provoke line was so perfect for him, I had to use it.

In the quick shadow sequence, they primarily whiff or block each other's strikes, but they do actually connect one or twice. Here I think Edgar connected with a fwap to the back of the head (right after Scri's overdramatic uppercut, haha)

And here Scri landed a slap I think. :B

I thought about animating the motion between each strike, but that actually sort of took away the punctuation of each HA HYAH HAH sound I thought. Also it would have been a ton of work, haha.

At the very last second before it switches to the next scene, Scriabin does a v sign, much like he did earlier for the "This one and that one and that argument too, I've won them all! V-Sign!" line. HE WINS AGAIN, SUCKER

This particular angle for Edgar was sort of inspired by this one bit of fanart someone did for Edgar that I think is super cool, where is it... aha, this second coming one! So cool. :B IN RETROSPECT MINE ISN'T VERY CLOSE OOPS BUT I HAD IT IN MIND DOING THIS SHOT FOR WHAT IT'S WORTH

Actually this came about more from trying to imagine what people might think if they came into the vid not knowing anything about these characters or what their deal is, and saw "here's this canon character and here is an original character who is his brother now" and all i could think of was JOHN FREEMAN and here we are
Me and Moro ended up doing like the whole fic back and forth one day, I'm endlessly amused by it, haha.
a HEADVOICE zombie!

ANYWAY that's all I can think of right now, tho I was vaguely tempted to make some little animated gifs, but eh, who knows.

I also posted this at dreamwidth with reluctant ambivalence. Comment here or there, don't matter to me!

art, flash, edgar and/or scriabin

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