So hey, a million years ago
I wrote a post about Radic's Pokemon and how they'd all be getting old and stuff, and it occurred to me that it's been two generations since then, so why not revisit the idea and make them EVEN OLDER! I have a problem, don't I.
I didn't spend like any time on these doodles, haha, they're just excuses for me to ramble on underneath them. BUT WHATEVER. If Red/Blue came out in what, 1998? Then Radic's original Blue team is like, fifteen years old now. :o
Anyway, I guess first off some basic details that apply across the board!
-All of Radic's blue Pokemon are getting so old that they don't really battle at all anymore, their bodies can't really take it. Most official battles won't allow them for worry of the Pokemon's safety, and it's pretty obvious now to a bystander that they're old so a lot of casual battlers that run up to Radic after meeting eyes ask if he has some other Pokemon to fight with. The one most likely to be able to battle alright would probably be Accident, but Radic can tell they're old and doesn't want to push them anyway, so nowadays his Blue team doesn't see much action in battle (not that Radic has ever had much luck at battling ANYway).
-His blue Pokemon are starting to have trouble remembering Kanto or their early lives at all nowadays. They've spent so many years with Radic in new areas like Johto or Sinnoh or Hoenn or Unova or whatever, they haven't been back home in Kanto for a very, very long time. Accident in particular can't really remember much of his early life at all. If their evolutions were really traumatic which I loved doing to them they can remember that alright, but most memories from their time in Kanto are fading.
But onto specifics!
Accident probably has one of the longest lifespans of Radic's Pokemon, going off of him being a turtle-type dude (Splotchy the Torterra also is really longlived), so he hasn't been feeling the effects AS hard as some of the other members of his team. His memory is terrible, but his personality hasn't changed very much. It takes effort for him to bring out his cannons though and sometimes it aches, and it's hard for him to muster up a lot of the energy to do more of his spectacular attacks, so Radic tries to have him take it easy.
Nova is getting up there, and he doesn't really like moving around much, or walking, or exerting much effort to do anything. His electric spark also isn't as strong as it used to be, so most of the time Radic just lets him lie around all he wants. He's still just as pudgy as ever, haha.
He can still get worked up and angry about new Pokemon (I imagine Dedenne would make him FURIOUS) but he doesn't have the energy to keep up a tantrum for TOO long anymore. Though he'll still nurse grudges, haha.
Like some others, he may be approaching the end of his life span, sadly.
It's getting hard for Callima to even walk anymore, her legs are so spindly and her mushroom's gotten so thick that the weight is hard for her to support. So often when Radic lets her out, she just lays there. She CAN walk if she wants to, but she reeeeally tries to avoid it at this point, and Radic usually will try and carry her if he can, or have Accident carry her, or something like that. She's still pretty quiet and reasonable, but sometimes she does space out for no reason... the mushroom is digging deeper into her brain and it's making it hard for her to think clearly. She's very frail nowadays.
Kitsune isn't too changed so far, though her fur has faded to a white-ish now, with some faint yellowing in certain areas like an old letter. Her fur is messier and her tails are a bit of a mess since she isn't taking as good care of them as she used to, it's just a lot of work. She's less pretty than she used to be, not that she cares, haha.
Amusingly though, it's getting harder for her to think of good insults or comebacks to irritate people with, which she drives her crazy. Her teammates absolutely love it though. She's finally settling down a little bit, although she can get really riled up if someone gets on her nerves and she can't actually think of something good to get them back with. Radic is REALLY grateful that she doesn't cause him as many problems as she used to though.
Ruby's gotten a bit lax in taking care of herself, since she doesn't move around much anymore. She relies on Radic to keep her fur in order most of the time, but it's longer than it should be for a Persian. Like Kitsune, she's mellowed out some as time's gone on, and now seems a lot more apathetic to things that previously would have driven her berserk. She's seen it all, there's no point in getting worked up about it anymore. Her claws are also kind of long and tend to get stuck in carpets a lot, and her vision isn't too great.
Going off of real life animal lifespans, Ruby is really getting up there, and Radic knows it, so he tries to keep her from things that'll stress her out too much.
Things have mellowed out for Takachan a little as well! Ta and Ka don't have the energy to fight with each other as much as they used to, and also don't have much to rag on poor Chan either. As a result, Chan's slowly starting to talk more and his sisters might actually be LISTENING TO HIM GASP. So things might actually be looking up for Chan now that his sisters have calmed down a little.
Takachan's still pretty fast, but their energy burns out much faster than it used to. They're a bit fragile nowadays as well.
And onto Radic's silver team! They're also getting up there now, but a lot of things about them don't really change so much, I don't think.
Poe is still pretty highstrung, though he doesn't have the energy for the fits he used to. Still, Radic might try putting a hood on him to try and calm him down so he doesn't go crashing into walls all the time and shrieking. Why put his body through more stress?
Chirin doesn't really change very much at all, haha. I JUST FELT OBLIGATED TO DRAW HER IN HERE. It's probably harder for her to summon her electricity probably and it aches a bit to move around too much.
Not much changes for Chopan either, he and Mozart still don't really get along very well. And yes I know it should be Chopin but it's too late now IT'S BEEN TOO LONG.
Mozart probably feels pretty lonely though, they have yet to find any Girafarig that look anything like them. Chopan might be LESS of a jerk a little, but it's not a huge improvement.
Rezna's just as inscrutable as ever, though her fur is longer and longer. Just leaving a trail of silvery pig hairs everywhere, haha. She spends more and more time asleep, but since she didn't really speak much to begin with, it's hard to say how much of a difference age is making on her. :o
Dipsy's still tiny, although his eyes keep getting worse. It's also getting a liiiittle hard for him to think as clearly as he used to, which scares him a bit.
If you remember, Fauntleroy had a variant of hip dysplasia, and finally, Radic got him the operation that he needed! Even though he was warned before the operation that the Houndoom was already pretty old to begin with, he went through with it anyway. So Fauntleroy can actually stand and walk by himself now! Although, he doesn't do it very often...
Out of all of Radic's Pokemon, Fauntleroy is probably the one hardest hit by age. While he did get his hips fixed, he's clearly struggling a lot just with daily activities. He never fought much before, but he doesn't fight at all now, and spends most of his time just sleeping by Radic's feet. He moves very slowly and doesn't really say very much. All the inbreeding involved with making a pure-bred Houndoom is catching up with him, leaving him vulnerable to a bunch of other health problems as well. If any of Radic's Pokemon are going to die of old age, the first one is probably going to be Fauntleroy. :< Radic knows that Faunt is really close to the end, so he's currently trying to spend as much time with him as possible and spoils him terribly, haha.
Actually, another candidate for old age might be Yanni the Chatot, since he was ALREADY incredibly old when Radic got him. BUT WHO WILL GO FIRST?
Natalie of course, being dead to begin with, hasn't changed at all since Radic got her.
I also posted this at
dreamwidth with reluctant ambivalence. Comment here or there, don't matter to me!