~With blinding speed

Jul 02, 2013 00:36


A DUSTER SHIMEJI i know i have problems
Perhaps some of you did guess from the oddly tiny pictures of him BUT PERHAPS NOT anyway Moro suggested this to me after I found this Kumatora one and here we are. THIS KEEPS HAPPENING

You can download him from my domain here. Just unpack the rar somewhere and run the shimeji.exe and he should drop down and keep you company. He'll mostly climb your monitor or sit and watch you and have little Duster thoughts, tho occasionally he might kick your windows around or duplicate himself. If you right click his icon in the task bar, it pops up a menu with some Japanese options, which go
1 - Spawn new Duster
2 - Call him to your mouse
3 - Reduce them all to one
4 - Bring back my IE window (if he kicks it around)

And the last one is exit. (Here's a zip version, tho remember, you'll need to rename the two files in the conf folder for him to work - the 52kb one should be 動作.xml and the 12kb one should be 行動.xml)

Duster isn't as ludicrously overcomplicated as Hunter/Smoker, but he's probably more complicated than Hunter or Smoker individually (if you missed out on them, you can pick them up here). Mostly this was because his climbing animations are all pretty unique and needed a lot of work. His top climb in particular, I had to pretty much do an entirely new sequence for that, haha. But if you download him you'll see what I mean! As a quick list of things I added for him...

-Hanging frame
-Full walk cycle and separate run/trip cycles
-Expanded wall climb
-Expanded top climb
-Expanded falling/landing cycle
-About ten new random sitting idles

I actually tested out a lot of random stuff with Duster in terms of shimeji coding and the like and for the most part it all turned out pretty well. In particular if you poke around his img folder you'll see that he has several frames that are larger than 128x128, which was a little tricky to get working properly but doable! Which opens up a whole lot of possibilities for shimeji actions. I tweaked and edited so many default animations in terms of timing and spacing that it's hard to keep track of what I changed, haha.


His falling frame is sourced from his in-game falling frame, haha. Let's see.


His walk and run cycles are also sourced from in-game mostly, which was surprisingly tricky to do.

Mostly it's sort of hard to pull out details from very small sprites. :O And making a walk cycle smooth is always a huge pain in the butt. BUT HEY at least it gave me a clearer picture of how Duster walks anyway, haha. Although he seems to be sort of dragging his right foot instead of his left foot? Eh, who knows.

I fiddled around with staggering his walk frames like Smoker's to make the limp more pronounced but then I figured that in the game his walk cycle is timed just the same as everyone else's, he just leans to one side a lot, so I should probably leave it alone and let it be smooth.

Haha that's a really shoddy gif of his run but whatever YOU CAN SEE WHAT I MEAN I GUESS.

If he's standing idle a little too long he may give you a :< look. And I might as well get some zoomed in frames here.

If you swing him around gently he doesn't mind so much, he just sort of accepts it.

But if you start swinging him around too hard he gets a little upset. Possibly brings back bad memories for him :o

It's sort of hard to make out in one of his spawn animations since it goes by so quickly (had to do a bunch of timing tweaking on both of them) and normally it's so tiny but he is holding his smoke bomb in his hand.

I also (I think) upped the odds of him tripping in general, but the easiest way to get him to do it is to call him to your mouse. One foot just gets caught behind the other.

Duster thoughts! He'll think about a lot of people in his life with various reactions, haha. There's a slight chance that he'll think about Kumatora with a heart, and a VERY slight chance that he'll think about OJ with a heart because eff the police I do what I want. They both should be pretty rare though.

For his swinging across the top of your monitor bit, I did all the frames before I realized I had him swinging right when the program wanted him facing left. DURR. I had to flip all the frames horizontally but consequently Duster's shirt is untucked on the wrong side. NO ONE CARES ABOUT THIS BUT ME

I just liked these frames. :B OH YEAH almost forgot, when he's sitting he'll tend to keep his hands on his bad leg. He also sort of keeps his hand near it while running but he did that originally. :o

There were a ton of tiny little tweaks here and there that I can't even remember now, haha. I changed a lot of the overlapping coordinates so Duster sits and hooks onto things at a different coordinate than most Shimejis. His side climb animation is also faster and his top climb is WAY faster. He'll book it across the top of your screen, haha. As I mentioned he should trip more often than other shimejis and I also increased the odds of him scooting around on his stomach because I think that animation is cute. :B I took out a redundant frame for one spawn and I think the one where he stares up at your mouse and yawns (also made that one more frequent I think, he is v tired), changed a bunch of the timing on his spawns to match what he was doing, yada yada. ESSENTIALLY HE IS VERY PERSONALIZED because I take these stupid things WAY too seriously, haha. BUT I HOPE YOU WILL ENJOY PLAYING WITH HIM.

Oh yeah, if you have shimeji-ee, you can unzip this file into your img folder, then you should be able to select him from your image sets.

ALSO IF YOU HAVE A MAC, there is a version of Shimeji for Mac now! From what I understand, all you need to do is download the template Mac shimeji, then replace its conf and img files with the conf and img files from Duster. It SHOULD work... I think.

I also posted this at dreamwidth with reluctant ambivalence. Comment here or there, don't matter to me!

art, mother (series), shimeji, mother 3

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