~Oh my god there's so much stupid in here!

May 27, 2013 20:15

Ultramega Ok! recording

Marc Papeghin - The Epic FFIX Medley
Keiichi Suzuki - Mother - Wisdom of the World
Dj Mokram & DusK - Deus Ex, Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Adapt Evolve Survive

That FF9 medley is like 18 minutes long and it's absolutely amazing. If you like the music of FF9 at all you NEED TO LISTEN TO IT. You can check out the youtube vid for it here and oh man, some of the transitions are just fantastic. I especially love the snip around 11:40 of Place I'll Return to Someday, and the shift between Vamo alla Flamenco and Hunter's Chance, the whole set from Kuja's Castle to the Burmecian Kingdom to the Final Battle, just UNGH. SO GOOD.

Anyway I wish I had something more substantial to update with but I don't really, unfortunately. I am working on something kinda big but it'll still be a while coming, probably. I should post some caps but I need to do another pass on the set I've got first. By my rough estimate it'll probably take another three posts or so to finish off the game, which actually brings me to my next question.

I've been debating two different games for screencapping purposes. I intend on throwing up a poll with the usual choices you've seen when I do finish Mother 3, but I want to gauge a bit of interest now cause why not. But anyway, I've been thinking about doing either Mother 1 or Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney, but let me lay out a few pros and cons first!

Mother pros
-I can use the Easy Ring to make things a bit easier and there's a new fancy translation for it that should bring it more in line with the other two games
-Shameful confession: I never actually played Mother! I just mostly know what happens and also really love the music to death. I've always wanted to though and I'm super curious about the new translation
-It'll be pretty new to me so that can be kinda fun to read
-Not a lot of people played Mother 1, so it might be new for you guys as well
-Any connections between Mother and the other two games will be more obvious now!
-Taking caps should be simple

Mother cons
-I've heard it's really tough and grindy, but with the Easy Ring that might be a bit less of an issue
-I've never played it and it's an NES RPG which means I anticipate a lot of aimless wandering around and a lot of huge maps and frustrating mazes, arrrgh
-As such could be large delays or I could get myself stuck, who knows
-Maybe people don't care? But that's never stopped me before, haha

Phoenix Wright pros
-I've kinda been wanting to replay it anyway, so this'll be a fun chance to relive the game again
-Not a lot of people got a chance to play this themselves, so it might be fun to show it to other people because I do really love this game, it's so great

Phoenix Wright cons
-Since it's a DS game, taking caps usually involves taking caps of both screens at once, and a lot of the time for PW the second screen is just pointless filler, which might make the caps hard to read. I MIGHT be able to find a way to trim the second screen off but I really have no idea, it's not a sure thing.
-My god this game has a lot of text, it'll probably take forever to get through
-I'll have to go find a ROM for it, that probably won't take very long though

Anyway, do you guys have any interest in either or a preference? I'm just curious. I don't mind doing either really.

I also posted this at dreamwidth with reluctant ambivalence. Comment here or there, don't matter to me!

i value your opinion

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