~A long travel through time

Mar 05, 2013 02:28

Ultramega Ok! recording!

Nobuo Uematsu - Final Fantasy IX Piano Collections - Bran Bal, the Soulless Village
Chris Avitron, Amaterasu - Chrono Cross - A Dream Between Worlds
Okami Piano Collections - Emperor of Eternal Darkness
Mother3i - Tatsumairii
Mother3i - Twist and Battle

Stupid channel problems but I did some editing so it shouldn't be too noticable, hopefully.

In other news, Inhuman's up for the March Madness Webcomic thingy! So if you'd like to be a great person, you can vote for it here! You don't got a lot of time to do it though, haha. SO DO IT NOW, VOTE FOR INHUMAN!!

I've been Pokemon-ing it up pretty hard lately cause I want to complete my dex in BW2 to get that Shiny Charm thing, and as a result I've been poking around a bit. I went back into my Pearl game (where I have a full dex) to get some Pokemon out there, and I forgot that I still have some of my old Pokemon from Sapphire in there. It was really nostalgic to see these Pokemon with dates on when I'd caught and hatched them and to remember just how long ago Ruby and Sapphire were. Some of the ones I moved hatched back in 2007 as an example. I guess it always gets to me because I could never move my original team forward from Blue, they were always stuck there... and eventually they'll get erased. But I saved my Pokemon from Sapphire, they still exist and I can keep moving them forward on and on. They're two versions old now but they still exist. It's just cool to me that those little pieces of your journey can stay with you, even after all this time. Saeb, Natalie, Rollo, Pokebrain, they're all still with me, come to Radic in BW2 after a long journey through time. IT HAS BEEN A LONG JOURNEY, HASN'T IT?


But it was neat to poke through all of the Pokemon I had. I have ones from all sorts of people, all the shinies Fearsum set me up with, the hacked ones I got from the GTS (I have TWO Mews and one is shiny, wtf??? And possibly two Celebis??), the Regis I went through an unbelievable amount of nonsense to get in Sapphire, they're all still there. King, Mango, Lira, Alix, Sheena, Funkmeister, Fearsum, Draco, just all these Pokemon from all these people I know. IT'S GREAT, TRADING IS GREAT

I still left a bunch on my Ranch though, I need to pull them off of there and move em into BW2 already. Definitely don't want to go bird hunting. I also have no idea where my Silver game is, frick.

I did also get the Dream World working a bit more, so I've been poking around that and it's frustrating in a bunch of ways. I wanted a Dreamworld Sableye (since Prankster's way better than any other ability Sableyes can have) so I went and began working towards doing that, but then I went and looked it up and it turns out that not only do you need like 10000 dream points to get a Sableye, they ONLY appear with Black and White, not BW2. AND you can't transfer points from your BW2 account to your Black/White account, so I just wasted a whole bunch of time. UGH. SO ANNOYING. The minigames get old fast too.
I might still keep at it to see if I can get a Drought Vulpix though, but eh. I'm getting into BW2 so late comparitively, haha.

I forgot I was reraising my Blue team in Pearl, aww. I brought them all forward and now they can stay with me foreverrrr. Accident's taken his old place on my team again, and I finished raising Kitsune so she's a Ninetails now, finally. I didn't finish Ruby or Takachan though, oddly. Eh, if I get REALLY bored I'll do it but mostly I just need to keep working on the dex. There's still a few in the Unova one I haven't filled out of laziness or whatever (Whirlipede? Self, come on), but since I had all the starters in my Pearl game, I'm mostly just trading them around as currency on the GTS. I do really enjoy Join Avenue though, it's really neat to go there afterwards and talk to people. I'M FROM SOUTH AFRICA, TAKE GOOD CARE OF MY LILLIGANT

It's just so cool to me that so many people around the world can trade Pokemon like that, you know? Some person I'll probably never meet in a country I may never go to has a Pokemon of mine, and vice versa. That's so amazing to me, especially considering the link cables we had to use in the old Red/Blue days. MEMORIES

I should update my trading icon for my BW2 game, that reminds me.

I also posted this at dreamwidth with reluctant ambivalence. Comment here or there, don't matter to me!


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