~If not for rock and roll ventriloquy would be huge

Nov 27, 2012 14:57

Ultramega Ok! recording

Harumi Shiina, Namihei - Chrono Trigger - Clocks Corridor
Kyoya Hashimoto - Chrono Trigger - Driving Gale
jdproject - Street Fighter II - Ryu Next Generation (RNG)
Doublehead - Pikachu vs. Doublehead
Kyoya Hashimoto - Secret of Mana - Carnival of Meridianline

Delicious Secret of Mana remixes woooo

I kept meaning to post this on Friday but things got kinda crazy this weekend, haha. Bunch of stuff going on, getting ready for Chris's wedding, stuff like that. Since taking out the bad ram stick though the computer's calmed down considerably and everything is working much better, so that's one headache out of the way.

Let's see... oh! I'm 80% into Downpour! Getting close to the end and I'm actually still enjoying it! The atmosphere has been pretty consistent throughout and despite some of the stupider monsters, I think it definitely has its own unique "feel" if that makes sense. Alf and Funkmeister were talking about how it's sort of more American thriller than Japanese thriller, and I can definitely see that. It's sort of a hard difference to quantify but I dunno... Alf mentioned Downpour is sort of reminiscent of The Mothman Prophecies and I can totally see that. It's a quiet game for the most part that's more unsettling than anything else, although it does have its share of jump scares. But you know, I'm still enjoying it. It's different than the other Silent Hills, but that doesn't make it bad necessarily.

It does seem to be a bit glitchy at points though. In one Otherworld area, I jumped off a stage onto a pile of furniture and then got stuck and had to reload my save. In another area I was able to walk up a couch and onto thin air, and then near an objective I got jumped by a monster and instead of fighting it, I triggered the next cutscene, which unfortunately meant that the monster music then continued on through the cutscene... and then past the next loading screen into the NEXT cutscene. It was sort of ridiculous and also kind of killed the mood a bit, I'm surprised no one caught that.

[Spoiler (click to open)]Everytime I think I've got Downpour mostly figured out it throws a wrench into my theories, it's sort of fun. Anyway, the constant water and electricity imagery makes sense what with the electroshock therapy and the drowning of his kid at the hospital (I also really liked how the orphanage might have actually been a hospital, sort of a nice touch), so I really appreciate that that's actually consistent with his issues.

The hammer guy is still really lame and I'm not entirely sure what his deal is just yet. I think me and Funkmeister's current theory with what we know is that Pigman molested Murphy's kid (big reveal on Pigman being a child molester, I did not see that coming at all), possibly tried to drown him to hide it, then went to jail, so Murphy stole the copcar to get arrested and follow him in there to get revenge. However when he went in there, his kid went to the hospital and ended up dying there while he was gone, thus adding up to his guilt.
The part that doesn't quite add up just yet is the hammer guy. Supposedly he's Charlie or something, which doesn't make sense if he died in the hospital? But maybe it's a metaphorical death or something or he's just a manifestation of the extreme guilt he felt after Charlie died or something, I dunno. It's interesting though! even if hammer guy's character design sucks.

It's hard to trust the game again after the massive disappointment of Homecoming, I'm not sure if I can believe in the game resolving all these little threads. It's done a fairly good job of keeping things cohesive so far, but I dunno. IT'S HARD TO TRUST AGAIN.

In the end i did a few subquests but got bored and skipped some of the others after a particularly long subquest just got me a single health kit. BOO. Although actually it was a pretty creepy little quest. It was the one where you go in the sewer to find the guy's heart, and I swear I kept hearing faint scratchy staticy sounds everywhere and then got jumped by a dead wife OUTTA NOWHERE
then another one came and I totally hid out in a corner and waited, but the minute I turned my back the deadwife pounced on me, sinister AI I tell you
Grabbing the heart causing a big monster party was pretty good, I made it out of there completely by luck, haha. But getting a health kit for it was a bit of a ripoff. IF IT WAS TWO HEALTH KITS THEN FINE

I also did the autistic girl quest too cause i felt bad for her. :< Even that actually ties into Murphy's problems in sensible ways - the girl was autistic, the reports in the hospital hinted at Charlie being autistic, the girl was drowned by her parents, Charlie drowned and Murphy feels responsible for his death, you know. ACTUAL NICE CONNECTIONS I really appreciate it.

I still wonder what Angry cop lady's deal is and also if radio DJ is alive somewhere. I HOPE HE'S ALRIGHT, I LIKED HIM

Of course all my health kits I was hoarding and items didn't even seem to matter cause in the prison I lost all my items. OOPS. Ah well, maybe I'll get them back later.

In other news, been poking at the Hunter/Smoker ukagaka/ghost again. I posted a beta on respectawoman. I've been making a lot of progress pulling apart the code to do my own neat things! There's some more detail over there, but I figured out
-how to get the alarm clock working
-how to set up a simple rock/paper/scissors game
-the skeleton of a system that'll keep track of how much Hunter/Smoker like you and unlock stuff depending on if it meets certain requirements
-a way to apologize to Hunter after hitting her

And other neat stuff. I think I understand conceptually how that one complicated ghost checks the weather, so I might POTENTIALLY be able to rework the code and set it up so they could do that too, but that'd probably take a bunch of work. But still, it's pretty neat! Of course in fiddling with the coding I've been neglecting doing their poses, but eh it's a trade off. It's fun to play with though, haha.

Oh yeah, and I colored a comic.

jk!! but do you tho???

I also posted this at dreamwidth with reluctant ambivalence. Comment here or there, don't matter to me!

art, flele/ukagaka, there's a hunter spookin around here, silent hill

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