~Does just walking through it make you want to kill yourself? Then it's a high school!

Oct 07, 2012 15:50

Ultramega Ok! recording!

Hale-Bopp - Tales of Phantasia - Beyond Absentminded
PRESS START - Spelunker
Jumping Flash 2 - Boss Dragon Machine
Phonetic Hero - Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure - Mayan Malfunction
Brandon Strader - Portal 1, 2, Cave Story - I Survive!

Channel issues fixed, wooo. I love that Spelunker rendition man you don't even know. Also I Survive is kind of hilarious in a way. HARDCORE HEAVY METAL
i guess in line with everything else mediafire refuses to cooperate, so back on sendspace it goes

Computer is still having problems in general, which sucks. I'm close to where I was before everything crashed in the project, so that's good at least, and some help from Washu and Electron and Jaz managed to help me get some symbols out of the old FLA to move into the new redone one, saving me a bit of work. I'm really glad I saved a backup of it in general now, even if it wasn't as far along as I would've liked. Starting all the way from the beginning would have been god awful. That kind of crash had never happened to me before, it was bizarre. I probably could have prevented a bunch of this by making a bunch of better decisions along the way (backing things up more frequently, paying more attention to whether things are saving or not, saying no when it asked if I wanted to save the changes before I closed Flash because i should have known it would crash it's effing flash that's all it EVER DOES) but you know, what can you do I guess.

Firefox continues to seizure crash on me constantly, as well as crash whenever I try to update it to the more recent versions, so with the absolute greatest reluctance I'm (hopefully temporarily) using Chrome and I hate it. It's ugly and dumb and also apparently doesn't work right when you have your taskbar set to auto-hide, so I just have to stretch the window around, and it won't import any of my settings from Firefox properly so that's a lot of fun. I want giant ugly buttons darn it, where are my giant ugly buttons, everything looks wrong


Oh, I forgot to upload this for the last sketchpost, might as well toss it up here.

i apparently had some kind of yanni episode one night

I haven't gotten much sleep/food lately, maybe that's why I feel kind of cranky I guess
I just want everything to work for once

I also posted this at dreamwidth with reluctant ambivalence. Comment here or there, don't matter to me!

art, phoenix wright

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