~Can I borrow a cup of blood? It's for a recipe.

Oct 04, 2012 01:33

ugh feel so tired lately and I keep getting headaches. I hope I'm not getting that same migraine problem Chris has, that'd suck.

ANYWAY progress is steady on the Halloween project! I think if I can keep it up I should have it done well in time for it, which is good. Although I guess it depends, I just skimmed through a fairly simple part and now hit one that's pretty in-depth and will require a lot of time, so maybe it'll hang me up more than I'm anticipating. I still have like the whole month though, that's gotta be enough time.

In the meantime though, HOW ABOUT SOME SKETCHES! Contains blood and makeouts, as usual. Lots of death weirdly. Still breaking in this new sketchbook, I really need to STOP DRAWING INTO THE MARGINS UGH SELF

Charger spends so much time thinking about her teammates or survival or whatever that she's deliberately pushed all her emotions down really deep to deal with them later, and then when she finally does get a chance to deal with them... she realizes she doesn't really remember how to anymore.
INSPIRED BY THAT IRONY SONG UGH I LOVE IT SO i like the one sung by KK better though


Me and Jaz were talking about how Jockey could definitely benefit from therapy, but Charger actually could too. It'd be good for her to talk about her feelings with someone she doesn't feel responsible for or towards, and someone that can help her unravel through her various coping mechanisms and such and give her a set schedule of things she should and shouldn't do (i'm picturing cognitive behavioral therapy here). SHE HAS A LOT OF SADNESS AND THINGS THAT SHE JUST ISN'T DEALING WITH AND THAT CAN ADD UP
Of course her teammates have no idea (because she doesn't tell them this) so they're all pretty dismayed and taken off-guard. Jockey wants to help her and hates the idea that she's sad, Hunter's freaked out at the idea that they might need it since to her that means there's something wrong with them and she wants to try and pretend things are okay and they're over it now, and Smoker feels sort of along the same lines, although she's also generally suspicious of professions like that in general. CAN'T TRUST ANYONE

Smoker is snacking out of a bowl of berries there, tho Jockey's usually blocking it, haha. Charger tries to pull the bowl over to herself to have some but tips it over with her CLUMSY BEEF HAND which reminds her of how messed up her body is now, oops.

Someone mentioned last time that Smoker actually wouldn't be able to use a voicebox without a tongue, since the tongue is like the key thing that makes it work, OOPS. However they did suggest her having a phone with some text-to-speech capabilities that she can use instead, so I'll probably switch her over to that. I didn't want to redraw this whole thing though so IN THE FUTURE she will have one.

IN THE MEANTIME feel free to run Smoker's lines through this voice generator for an idea of how she'd sound, haha.

Tiny reference chibis for the various AUs they get into, haha. GOTTA REMEMBER ALL THESE OUTFITS AND DETAILS OH GOD WHY ARE THERE SO MANY AUS
gotta redo the guns too, bleh

wtf where did this tiny thing come from

SPEAKING OF CHARGER AND MOUSEY since we've seen Smoker and Jockey (sort of) relapse, let's see what it's like for Charger! DUN DUN DUN
Now we just need to do Hunter relapsing and we'll have bingo.
She didn't mention it really before in the piles of exposition a while back since she was mostly talking about the others rather than herself, but Charger (well, Chargers in general) is triggered by, as mentioned here, tight groups in narrow spaces. People walking on high things, people standing near edges, people standing close together, mostly. Lines too. YOU KNOW, BASIC CHARGER APPROPRIATE ATTACK PLACES

The four people are Survivors I think, and seeing a Charger coming at them brings back a lot of bad memories immediately, thus why they're pretty freaked out. I don't think they're armed though (otherwise Charger might have gotten shot here a few times) BUT EITHER WAY they're pretty surprised.
Charger feels the relapse coming on and tries to say something, but she can't fight it in the end. HER WARNING THOUGH IS ENOUGH TO GET MOUSEY TO THINK ABOUT IT AND REALIZE WHAT'S HAPPENING BEFORE CHARGER CAN RUN OFF
I bet Charger's still pretty fast, come to think of it.
Mousey's panicked and scared and desperate for Charger to go back to normal, thus why she shouts at her at first. Only when she starts calming down and it looks like things are under control does she go back to her usual stuttering and timidness. DOES A RESERVE OF STRENGTH LIE WITHIN MOUSEY? She WAS a Survivor I guess, haha.

Charger hates relapsing, it freaks the heck out of her, thus why she isn't more enthused about Mousey's good performance here. FOR ONCE MOUSEY DOESN'T FAIL AT EVERYTHING, THIS IS A MOMENTOUS OCCASION

then she immediately fails again, haha

Mousey is so eager to make Charger feel better that she doesn't actually listen to what Charger is saying or try to understand what it is about relapsing that's bothering her, and instead says what she thinks will be comforting, in the process missing the entire point of why Charger's upset, thus why Charger looks less than soothed by what she said, haha. Charger was about to say "You don't understand" but then decided eh, it's not worth it, and decided to let it go. SHE TRIES
what survivor could really understand what it's like to be a cured zombie anyway

The last panel was just sort of a throwaway I DUNNO Hunter senses are pretty developed I guess, it was just an idea that occurred to me. Hunter's not so much interested in the sciencey side than whether or not Charger killed someone.

Now I'm picturing Cured Charger gathering some research and trying to write some papers on the behavior of cured zombies, haha. She could meet up with any other cured/survivor researchers and see what they could do.
(Sidenote: Dowasure, Denka, and Kaggie I think were all Survivors/Immune and possibly avoided most of the entire thing by hiding in bunkers or in safe rooms rather than traveling around, but due to the quarantine on the cured city now they can't leave to do anything else, even though they're in perfect health. Thus why they tend to stick around and help the other inhabitants. What else can they do?)



The real reason to have headphones on public transit. Hunter rides the bus or runs to Smoker's house most of the time since she can't drive herself. I COULD BEAT UP THESE GUYS BUT THEN I'D MISS MY STOP, HMM
In the bottom Smoker was originally holding her hand out but thanks to me being a doofus it was in the margin and got cut off, way to go self.

Smoker has no idea what to say about this kind of stuff so immediately just backs off and tries to change the subject.
YOU MEAN THERE'S MORE TO SUSHI THAN PUTTING FISH ON RICE?? I don't think Hunter has any particular preference for any kind of cuisine, she'll probably eat everything put in front of her. Dragged Smoker everywhere from Thai to Chinese to Ethiopian to Indian to Italian to Turkish places just LET'S EAT HERE LET'S EAT HERE omnomnomnomnom

I bet Smoker had a heck of a time figuring out what the ingredients were in various Japanese recipes. PANKO WHAT

I was playing with Alix's 3DS while in Hawaii and I forgot I made a Smoker Mii on there. For the new Pilotwings game, you can set up your Mii to be your pilot, so I had Smoker flying around the island all :| at everything, haha. SMOKER THE DAREDEVIL HANG GLIDING FIEND, WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT

Bonus snorkeling Charger for no reason

So tired doing this, what the.


In an abrupt change of mood

Chargerzombie is so focused on protecting her teammates. I DO NOT UNDERSTAND THE CONCEPT OF DEATH, I WILL CARRY THIS DEAD BODY WITH ME EVERYWHERE >:|
She nudges her a few times to try and get to wake up but can't shake off a bullet wound to the head very easily I guess
She's crushing Psychopro up there! Actually I think she caught him near one of those cement planters, and thus smashed him right into the edge of that, snapping his spine. I'd think that Chargers that survived a long time would figure out little tricks like that to kill people quickly.


HI JOCKEY CRAZY AS EVER I SEE this will definitely end well

The two Survivors here are Shanha and Chigusa, who I borrowed from renblog. I needed at least two people (so I couldn't really use kamesen24's Warlock), though there were probably some other survivors out there I also could have used. PERHAPS NEXT TIME IDK
HERE'S HOPING THEY AREN'T TOTALLY OUT OF CHARACTER RENBLOG I wasn't sure if Shanha had a ponytail or not so why not split the difference, haha


I'm not sure exactly how Hunter died here. Smoker got her neck broke in one way or another (possibly from another Smoker, how appropriate), and I think Charger got nailed by a Hunter and got torn up. I DON'T KNOW THE EXACT CIRCUMSTANCES OF EVERYONE'S DEATH THOUGH or how Jockey was the only one who made it
just that they're alllll dead. DEAD!! At one point Jockey puts Smoker's cigarette back in her mouth since it fell out. Jockey covered up Charger's torn out throat with her bandanas since even with her powers of delusion that was sort of hard to ignore.
Somewhere Jockey is aware that they are dead, but she's trying incredibly hard not to acknowledge that. IF THEY'RE DEAD THEN I'LL BE ALONE AGAIN
Jockey's sort of holed up in some room (after dragging the bodies up there) and set up with some food and blankets and such for herself, though I can't imagine she gets that much sleep.

Shanha understandably pretty freaked out by this. I FORGET HOW LONG DECOMPOSITION TAKES, WHATEVER, THREE DAYS, SURE

The tricky part is that you really would have to get some other people in here to drag Jockey out, she's not going to leave by herself. HOW COULD SHE ABANDON HER FRIEEENDS
Thus why Shanha and Chigusa leave for reinforcements I COULD HAVE KEPT THIS GOING but I don't know much about Agatha or their fourth team member so JUST IMAGINE IT I GUESS
Although even if they did drag her out they'd probably have to keep an eye on her to make sure she didn't just escape during the night and go back to them anyway. Fully prepared to quietly waste away and die with them. TRUE LOYALTY

Jockey knows that what Shanha's saying makes sense and is probably right, but can't reconcile herself with the thought that they're dead and she's alive, so denies it and refuses to go. INNER TURMOIL.


spoilers for puella magi madoka whatever up ahead by the way

So I originally dressed Charger up as Mami since Mami was the mentor-type figure to the others and it sort of fit/amused me, but I forgot that in one alternate timeline, Mami actually flips out and tries to kill the others to stop them from becoming Witches. The thought of a crazy flipped out Charger trying to murder her teammates for their own good was pretty creepy SO WHY NOT EXPLORE IT
Come to think of it turning into a Witch and killing innocents can SORT of analog to turning into a zombie and killing innocents but it's a bit of a stretch

I actually could barely remember any of their magical girl outfits, is it obvious. I JUST SORT OF WINGED IT. Smoker's wearing her plaid overshirt and her jeans on top/under her Madoka outfit still, haha. IT'S REALLY HARD TO TAKE HER SERIOUSLY WHEN HER HAIR IS UP IN THOSE DOOFY PIGTAILS

Man you would not want to see Charger coming at you with intent to kill, you're probably not going to come out of that alive. Accordingly Hunter is freaked out and scared and not thinking straight, thus leaving herself open for Charger to easily twist and flip her staff right out of her hands. OOPS!
Charger switches hands with her machete here, I guess for these purposes she's ambidextrous shhhh

EVERYONE DEAD IN SECONDS except for the archer who hung back, now what to do

The ladies don't analog perfectly to any of the Madoka girls (which is a good thing probably) although they tend to have one or two things in common with some of them, and even more trickily, their roles in the overall story don't match very well either. EITHER WAY I needed SOMEONE to be Homura, and Mousey had the hair (and I guess pre-time skip disposition) so why not. I had NO IDEA what Homura's outfit looked like, haha. SOMETHING ON HER ARM RIGHT, SURE, WHATEVER

Mousey might work better as Madoka, she has the attitude for it, though that still leaves a big blank for Homura, since Homura and Madoka's ~true love~ is one of the driving sources in the entire thing. WHO WOULD GO THERE? UGH THIS IS ALL TOO HARD TO GRAPH ONTO PROPERLY



heeeeey sexy laaady


Smoker with her text-to-speech phone. Awkward pauses in the conversation as she flips it open and types as quickly as she can. IT'S FUNNY AT FIRST BUT THEN

get your own chair mousey


And finally

I saw your face in a criminal sketch
Don't be alarmed 'cause you don't know me yet
I'm on the prowl now, sniffing around this town for you
Calling all cars, there's an officer down
Shot to the heart on the night on the town, and
The evidence of your fingerprints was found, and now

You got the right to remain right here with me
I'm on your tail in a hot pursuit
Love is a high speed chase racing down the street

Woo-oo woo-oo woo, I'm coming after you

Oh no, here we go once again
We both know you'll never turn yourself in
So I'm driving 'til it's light out, searching for your hideout
(Driving 'til it's light out, searching for your hideout)
Pick up the pace as I chase you around
One of these days I'll end up tracking you down
But yeah, I've got the feeling I'll be letting you loose when I do

Because you, you got the right to remain right here with me
I'm on your tail in a hot pursuit
Love is a high speed chase racing down the street
Woo-oo woo-oo woo, I'm coming after you


And I already mentioned this before BUT WHY NOT AGAIN, Del did an FST for Hunter and Smoker here, and I posted a big one here and here, and boringasian posted a fic over heeere


I also posted this at dreamwidth with reluctant ambivalence. Comment here or there, don't matter to me!

art, there's a hunter spookin around here, giant sketchposts

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