~Will you accept dancing as money?

May 12, 2012 23:34


these are all mostly exploring one storyline that ended up being way more complicated than i anticipated and would actually have worked better as a fic BUT OH WELL NOW IT'S IN A BUNCH OF LOOSELY CONNECTED PANELS OF PEOPLE TALKING

Contains violence! And I think that's it probably.

since i so rarely draw male chargers BZZT
HEY LOOK WHO IT IS YOU GUYS!! what are you doing here shouldn't you be deeeead

Actually a while back spfi_duo drew up the ladies with a counterpoint picture of... boy survivors! :O I WANTED TO EXPLORE THIS AND WROTE IT DOWN AND NOW FINALLY HERE WE ARE
tho not all of this is set in stone THINGS MAY CHANGE LATER DEPENDING

you may remember i drew Jockey getting charged a while back, which was where I first started with this! But then I thought it worked better with her rescuing them, haha.

Jockey of course has never seen Ray (in general I've assumed Hunter and Smoker killed most of Hunter's friends before they met up with the others) so she has no idea what he looks like. However his tape patterns do match Hunter's SO SHE IS SUSPICIOUS

A Ray AND a Jordan WOWWW hunter's friends constantly making fun of each other, as usual
Ray's a bit annoyed that he had to get rescued, haha. CHARGER HEARD SOMETHING it's amazing how these teams survive when people are constantly wandering off out of earshot of each other
Jordan's the only black guy on his team, so he's a bit happy to see Charger's darker skin, haha. Charger puts the pieces together HOW MANY PEOPLE IN THIS CITY HAVE TAPE ALL OVER THEM (actually it seems like a whole lot going by the game but hey)
Ray and Jordan immediately like HUNTER WHERE WHAT when they hear her name THEY'VE SPENT SO MUCH TIME LOOKING FOR HER

Hunter jumped from the overturned truck and was sort of aiming at Ray but Jordan moved in front to take her hug since Ray just got whomped around a few seconds ago, haha.

Ray is super happy to see her again but is trying very hard not to show it. SHUT YOUR STUPID FACE NOT LIKE I CARE OR ANYTHING hugsss
no one around here can just talk about how they feel

the stupid little teeny chibis on the side are just because they amused me, haha. RAY IS OVERCOME WITH EMOTION

Smoker's late to the party. Jockey whirling Travis around at the end there, haha. I was mostly doing the boy designs from memory so I forgot what hair spfi gave Travis SO I JUST SORT OF WINGED IT but I'm not entirely happy with it, I may change it later. I sort of spiked it up but eh.

I sort of picture him with a boyish young face but NOTHING QUITE FITS YET anyway

DUN DUN DUNNNN the final reveal, haha. At first I thought about having David come on the scene first, since no one would recognize him but Charger, but I felt like the last person to be revealed should have some oomph to it and that would fall to him, haha.

BOTH TEAMS WOULD PROBABLY BE HAPPY ON THE BEHALF OF THEIR LEADERS but the image of both of them being puzzled and surprised by what the other half turned out to be amused me too much so i stuck with it

Another David appearance I sort of liked, but eventually went with the above.

REUNIONS ARE EASY, NOW THE TRICKY PART COMES IN why the #$#$ did I start a storyline with eight characters on screen at once what is wrong with me

Anyway everyone breaks into their own little groups sort of automatically to catch up and the like. Smoker doesn't have a group, so instead focuses on the situation that they're in, which is probably to everyone's benefit.

Ray is upset about friend-murdering just like the others but tries to play it off casually and change the subject. Secretly both him and Jordan are a little relieved that Adam got away from them and is still alive somewhere, tho they don't necessarily want to see him again.

Anyway danger kicks in and each group automatically falls into old patterns... sort of. Hunter and Ray immediately begin trying to one-up each other, David and Charger mostly direct members of their own team, so it goes.
Everyone at this point would be really tense and high-strung and especially wary of people getting injured, since they just got them back from the dead in their eyes. Not that that necessarily means they appreciate it, for example Ray is just irritated at Hunter trying to be protective of him and the like, BUT STILL no one wants to lose everyone they just found.


The three shots at the bottom were meant to be unconnected, but I didn't really have enough space and they look connected anyway, so I just squeezed Smoker in there anyway, whatever. Ray is just as protective of Hunter in return, and she likewise rebuffs him, haha. EVERYONE FEIGN NONCHALANCE AS HARD AS YOU CAN, HARDER!!
Charger and David are both all business, haha. IT'S WHAT THEY DO.


David doesn't know Jockey that well, so isn't being terribly forceful about asking her to do things. Both sides grapple with BUT WE DO THINGS *THIS* WAY
Charger is just focused on the bottomline - INJURIES TO TAKE CARE OF. However the crossover there isn't quite as easy.
The nonchalance game can be dangerous if you're actually hurt and just aren't paying attention. CHARGER DOES NOT APPROVE :|
Poor David got slashed up pretty good, haha.

Jockey just can't imagine her friends not getting along. EVERYONE WILL LIKE TRAVIS HE IS GREAT GO TALK TO THE GROUCH OF THE GROUP SHE WILL LOVE YOU
Travis meanwhile doesn't know anyone and feels sort of intimidated and uncomfortable. BUT HEY JOCKEY WANTS HIM TO SO

Smoker is in a bad mood and doesn't feel sociable at all, mostly because she remembers how Hunter's friends used to treat her before the zombie apocalypse and doesn't want to deal with it. Plus she feels a little left out and third wheel-y, tho she's less aware of that, exactly.
Travis easily scared off, haha.
Ray doesn't like Smoker and never really has, and the feeling is mutual. Hunter's happy to see her friends again but doesn't want them picking on Smoker like they usually do, but doesn't want to make things awkward by causing a big thing about it so she just tells them to knock it off sort of lightly. Which just encourages Ray, really, so nobody wins.
Eventually Smoker just doesn't want to deal with it. You know how there can be sort of a critical volume of people in a room, and once that's reached you just don't want to interact with anyone anymore? Smoker's a loner, and Hunter plus two is about her limit. Eight people, most of which she doesn't know, are her cue to duck out.
Charger and David coordinate asking Hunter and her friends something so they can pull them apart for two seconds, haha. Otherwise they'd just keep hassling each other nonstop.

EVERYONE ABSORBED IN THEIR OWN RETURNED LOVED ONE although this is the big problem with Ray and Jordan coming back. Hunter and her friends like to rile each other up and dare each other to do stupider or more dangerous things, sort of constantly showing off to each other, which can be dangerous in the zombie apocalypse. Being told not to do that feels like being lectured though, and Hunter isn't really aware of doing it, so she doesn't appreciate Charger's tone.


argh typo. Charger and David talk tactics, so romantic. CHARGER IS ALWAYS FOCUSED ON THE BOTTOM LINE :|
Both of them are too responsible to leave their teams out to dry so they can run off together though. WHAT A DILEMMA. You could potentially travel around in an eight person group if you wanted, the four person limit is just from the original game, but why not it leads to DRAMA so.

Smoker hasn't slept without Hunter on her for a long time, so she wakes up and is confused for a bit when she doesn't feel her there. Seeing her with her friends instead just mostly confirms to Smoker that she's back to being alone again, but whatever, it's not like she's not used to that.

why travis keeps talking to smoker idk

ANYWAY Travis was expecting Jockey to be like she was before and is very confused and sort of freaked out by her delusions. On the other hand, Smoker has no frame of reference for a sane Jockey - Jockey has ALWAYS been this way to her. Travis doesn't really know how to handle this exactly. He tries to open up to Smoker when he thinks she gets what he's talking about only to get shot down. SMOKER IS NOT YOUR FRIEND
Travis does try hard to make friends though anyway, he's a good guy. SO SURE, HE'LL HELP THE CRABBY LADY MAKE FOOD, WHY NOT

Hunter's stuck in that place where if she tells him to knock it off seriously, that'll just encourage him to do it more, so she's trying for a middleground. Ray not so much. Jordan is trying to be diplomatic but he doesn't really know or like Smoker that much either from what he's seen, so he's not being as friendly as he could be. WHY AREN'T ALL MY FRIENDS INSTANTLY FRIENDS WITH ALL YOUR FRIENDS?? geek fallacy number four at work
Travis is really worried about Jockey but isn't quite sure what to say. JOCKEY THINKS EVERYTHING IS JUST GREAT EVERYONE WAS ALIVE AFTER ALL THIS IS SO AWESOME 8DDD
Charger and David putting the team ahead of their personal happiness. Smoker meanwhile has completely shut herself off socially from everyone, which is what she generally does in any kind of unpleasant social situation, which Hunter is not prepared for. THE LONE WOLF CARES FOR NO ONE

Charger realizes this is awkward and weird, since she knows about Hunter and Smoker's intense friendship/relationship, but doesn't say anything explicitly. David suspects nothing.

Smoker just hey her friends are important to her, whatever, she should spend time with them, i'm fine by myself
Hunter is not pleased with this

Haha the Hunter that jumps Travis is wearing shorts, I have no idea who they are. SOME GENERIC HUNTER WHATEVER
time for Travis's second Jockey revelation! She's singing On My Way Home by Enya, haha.

Another giant gap in how her team knows her and how Travis knows her - Jockey flipping out and going berzerk is nothing new to them. It's extremely terrifying for Travis though - imagine, finally finding your old friend and then finding out that they can, on a whim, snap into an emotionless, murderless rage, and NO ONE ELSE THINKS ITS WEIRD.
Travis sings Homeward Bound by Simon and Garfunkel to call her back. I WAS INTENDING TO HAVE IT THE SAME AS THE LAST PAGE BUT IN THE END EH WHATEVER

Travis does what, to him, seems like the sensible thing when you see a dear friend go completely off the deep end and chop a zombie into giblets, and takes away her ax. He assumes he's just going to have to protect her until they get to a saferoom or something, BUT NOPE! He's the liability now! HA HA! Jockey has problems with her normal teammates being in danger, she definitely can't handle Travis dying again in front of her after everything she went through. So TRAVIS ESCORT MISSION
Jockey immediately going back to happy fun times after the episode also freaks him out, as well as how no one thinks its weird. IS TRAVIS TAKING CRAZY PILLS??

Charger says that Jockey doesn't remember anything when she does that, but actually she does, to an extent. Jockey just doesn't tell them about it for the most part. COMMUNICATION IS HARD

Meanwhile, Hunter and Ray are doing exactly what everyone pretty much expected and are riling each other up. GUYS. Jordan isn't exactly helping either, since he usually thinks it's hilarious or contributes.

David doesn't shout or yell or call names or get angry or anything, but he can be firm. HE CAN CONTROL HIS TEAM HIS OWN WAY
Ray normally doesn't really respect anyone, but he does respect David. Possibly because David taught him how to use guns properly, possibly because he knows a great deal about animal/zombie behavior and first aid, possibly because he seems to know where he's going, who knows. YOU DECIDE! It's just the feeling I get, haha. WHAT KIND OF CRAZY ADVENTURES DID THE BOYS GET UP TO BEFORE THEY MET UP WITH THE LADIES? WE MAY NEVER KNOW!
Charger and David may both be the leaders of their groups, but they do it their own ways.

HUNTER THINKS THIS IS A FINE TIME TO TEASE THOUGH dangling by an ankle off a building ain't no big deal
David of course is terrified of what they're doing THAT'S SO DANGEROUS STOP THAT IMMEDIATELY
all these inside parkour hunter jokes and games, what is this world coming to

BAM right in the chest. Ray's doing that sort of laughing ow sound, if you punch your friends in the chest regularly you know what I mean

Hunter's annoyed that David/Charger cut her off from talking to her and a bit resentful, tho Jordan soon redirects her.

Smoker's still shutting herself off from everyone, thus why she's refusing to talk to Hunter and also refusing to respond or fight with her. Which just makes Hunter angrier that she won't rise up to the bait and just keep going tighter into herself. Smoker doesn't want to cut her out of her life at all, she still cares about her, but once she decided that was how she was going to handle things she's gonna see it through.
Smoker nearly says that she doesn't like Hunter's friends, which is true, but in the end she stops herself, since she knows how much Hunter likes them. It'd probably just make things worse and open up a whole new can of worms, so she just doesn't get into it.

Unfortunately enough, Ray sees how upset Smoker makes Hunter, which only makes him dislike Smoker all the more, which won't help anything at this point. HOW DARE SHE MAKE MY FRIEND UPSET >:(

SO LET'S TALK TO JORDAN! Hunter usually goes to Jordan for advice, like in this fic or this one, so this isn't unusual at all. Even so, she still can't just outright tell them how important any of this is or they are or how much she cares, so she tries to duck around it or talk quickly and make jokes. As usual, Jordan can usually identify the problem, but not so much the solution. THAT'S UP TO HUNTER, WHAT WILL HAPPEN??

This is actually where I finally decided to end because this had been going on forever and would just keep on going with a bunch of drama if I kept going. BUT THERE'S STILL POTENTIAL CONFLICT AHEAD

It's possible that Ray and Smoker could learn to get along over time. They'd probably have to end up on a team with each other without Hunter or Jordan, which might let them air out some grievances... which could just make things worse, idk. But if they do get to know each other, they could gradually come to tolerate each other at least.
Jordan and Smoker could probably get along alright, although not famously or anything. But it'd be better than Smoker and Ray anyway. Of course, her friends fighting with each other doesn't make Hunter happy at all. YOU'RE ALL IMPORTANT TO ME WHY CAN'T YOU JUST GET ALONG

Jockey's view of her relationship with Travis is the same as before the zombies, there's no reason for anything to have changed haha! Travis however is freaked out and scared for her mental health, and it's hard for him to work in the new Jockey with the old. He could spend time trying to talk with her, counsel with her, or whatever, which could only end up upsetting her or freaking her out. Her fractured reality isn't something that's going to go away very easily, and talking about it can sometimes freak her out even worse. CONFLICT

Charger and David on the other hand are pretty much happy together, haha. THEY GET TORTURED SO MUCH OTHERWISE THEY MIGHT AS WELL BE ALRIGHT THIS TIME AROUND. They lived together for like ten years, I'm assuming they know each other well enough that whatever comes up, they'll be able to handle it. Mostly they'll have to keep their teams functioning and working, but they'll just be helping with other interpersonal drama, not really having any of their own. THEY ARE JUST HAPPY TO BE TOGETHER AGAIN


Jordan talking to Charger
David talking to Hunter or Smoker
Hunter talking to Travis and possibly accidentally hinting that Jockey had a crush on Travis which could make things even more complicated
Jordan talking to Smoker
Charger trying to get Ray to listen to her on the move
Travis asking David for advice
and so on and so on


lets do something else

haha you guys liked that ladypd sketch from last time and were like BUT WHAT COULD HUNTER BE and then someone suggested a thief and BAM
which immediately led to this somehow

anyway I guess in this AU (ANOTHER ONE) Hunter's some cat burglar thief who's roamin about and Smoker's tryin to catch her but there's SEXUAL TENSION or something idk. JUAN'S HER PARTNER for now, until finally Chief Charger is like THAT'S IT SMOKER I'M ASSIGNING YOU A NEW PARTNER, JOCKEY'S GOING TO MAKE SURE YOU DO THINGS BY THE BOOKS YOU HEAR ME

Until Hunterthief gets into trouble with some bigger crime ring or something and gets hurt AND WHO CAN SHE TURN TO?!?! THE COP SHE SOMETIMES MAKES OUT WITH, OF COURSE
and then i guess there'd be antics with keeping hunter undercover or something i dunno I DIDN'T THINK TOO MUCH ABOUT THIS

i was really tired drawing these, is it obvious

glasses!kink strikes when you least expect it

sort of from Butterfly on your Right Shoulder but bleh I'll probably redo it


and that's all i've got BYEEEE

I also posted this at dreamwidth with reluctant ambivalence. Comment here or there, don't matter to me!

art, there's a hunter spookin around here, go to bed zar, giant sketchposts

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