~Aaaaaa Space Eyes!!

Mar 06, 2012 23:04

Poll forgot this one!

DANG SO NO ONE besides Riona and Gargant PRONOUNCES MARIO AS MARRY-OH? I hear it pronounced like that in say, Rawest Forest, or the Ambassadors of Funk Mario Remixes (especially this one), or Slowbeef says it like that and I GUESS IT'S A REGIONAL THING MAYBE??? It'd help if I'd spelled it Marry-oh in the poll but you can't edit them after you post them argh

It's nice to see I'm not alone in saying Sah-mus though, haha. ALL MY POLLS ARE RELATED TO HOW PEOPLE PRONOUNCE THINGS FOR SOME REASON

Anyway I'd like to post sketches and such but I started a comic storyline and I want to try and finish it before posting it and I haven't had a ton of time to work on it, so instead have a sketch of Jockey getting charged and a random AU crossover.

This was the start of the comic I mentioned but then I decided to approach it a different way and restarted it, but I kinda liked how this came out so I hung on to it. I DON'T DRAW MALE CHARGERS VERY OFTEN

SO I WAS READING THE MADOKA MANGA AND THIS HAPPENED gdit why do i keep doing this, i'm not that into madoka and I am increasingly feeling like a bad tsundere manga character. STUPID MADOKA I-IT'S NOT LIKE I LIKE YOU OR ANYTHING


Anyway Mami was the mentor figure to the other girls so I thought it might be fun to draw Charger in her outfit since most magical girl outfits aren't designed with bodytypes like Charger's in mind. I ACTUALLY EVEN FORGOT ABOUT THE CORSET UNTIL I WENT AND LOOKED UP REFERENCES FOR IT
but it was kind of fun to put her in it anyway, haha. I should have given her a musket but eh she got a machete instead and i didn't feel like looking up a musket.

The other three are all wearing the default girl's uniform altho really Hunter and Smoker should probably be wearing some variant of the boy's uniform instead but I got lazy and didn't look that up either. I JUST MEANT THIS TO BE A QUICK THING ARGH

Problem with this kind of thing is that Mami dies quickly and horribly which isn't something I want to happen to Charger (altho technically, pretty much everyone dies in that series at least once, usually a few times). SO I DUNNO HOW TO WORK THAT OUT. I mean technically Mami comes back when Madoka rewrites everything but that'd still knock her out for most of it which sucks.
I guess she could be Homura instead but I dunno who Madoka would be in that case. That's the other thing, Madoka kind of centers around one character as the pivotal figure that saves everyone, and the ladies don't really have one of those - they work together so they cover each other's weaknesses, and none of them is more important than the others really. No matter who I try to think of in the Madoka role, it feels weird for just one of them to rewrite reality and vanish on their own instead of with their teammates. MAYBE I'M JUST BEING WEIRD ABOUT THIS IDK

I could see Jockey as Sayaka though, with good intentions and willing blindness to danger/despair eventually leading to insanity and implosion. Hunter probably matches up closest to Kyoko, what with the eating and such, altho she probably isn't as ruthless/pragmatic. Which I guess leaves Homura for Smoker, although again, it's hard to figure out who's Homura without knowing who Madoka would be, and none of them really fit Madoka really well. Madoka was kind of passive and afraid to fight for herself or her friends, and kind of self-loathing about how she wasn't special or good at anything, and none of those traits really map to any of the ladies very well. THERE'S NO CENTRAL FIGURE FOR THIS MADOKA AU
I guess it could also go Hunter-Sayaka, Smoker-Kyoko, although that'd leave Jockey as either Homura or Mami, which don't seem right. Or Madoka but again that feels weird to me. NONE OF THEM MATCH ANY OF THEM PERFECTLY that's probably a good thing.
(Charger as an inverted Madoka who refuses to sign the contract for whatever reason or another?)

Could always go with the universe after the Madoka rewrite but I dunno, it does sort of lose something without the despair leading to witchhood thing. And even with rewriting some of the basic bits of the story to match them all a bit better, without the timeskip/repeating loops making Madoka super powerful you can't have the happy ending where reality gets rewritten, and that relies on one person being the central god figure who rewrites everything, and baaah.

I also have NO idea what any of them would wish for. FRICK I DON'T KNOW I JUST WANTED TO DRAW CHARGER IN A MAGICAL GIRL OUTFIT I GUESS

art, there's a hunter spookin around here, i value your opinion, metroid

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